Help on grow room for newbie

Please excuse my ignorance as I have search a good deal of this site to see if Im the only idiot with this question.

Im a total newbie, trying to learn the lingo, bought Ryan Rileys' book, and have just bought the StealthHydroponics Bubble with Dual Spectrum II light. I am now looking for a grow room. Possibly HydroHut or GrowLab. Space is limited (about 3' x 3' x6') I think:wall: ( putting in my bedroom) They don't come with fans or filters etc..after I have read these forums I realise I need them and I am totally confused! I dont want my house to smell and didn't realise it would.... What do I NEED? I just want to make sure when I order, the company doesn't sell me extra gravey stuff that I could do without. Im not good at construction (but CAN read instructions) so Im really at a loss. KISS is my mantra but as cheap as possible.

also, can you get seeds sent to a state that is not legal? NJ just pass medical marijuana law but dragging heals ( as NJ does best). Just dont want to get popped for it, but dont know if the few crap seeds that I have will grow or atleast into females.

Sorry this is long. I do not know anyone local to ask these questions.

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Hey brother, I'm new on this site but certainly not to growing. You have alot of reading to do, but since you seem to know that I'd love to point you in the right direction. I would recomend a used cupboard or wardrobe. Use duct tape or caulk (or both) to seal it and then paint inside flat white (not gloss). Cheap easy, and blends right in at your house.
For smell carbon filters are still the only real option. Do not skimp on odor control! Get a decent inline fan and carbon filter, and paranoia will be a non-issue. Keep ONA just outside the room as well just for good measure.
Your light will be fine for veg, but when you flower definitely add a few more lights. T5 flouros are great as long as you use both 6400K and 2700K bulbs. Same goes for other flouros. HID bulbs are best, but in your space flouros will be cooler and have a more even spread. Buy lots of them! Every paycheque buy a new $30 flouro, and by the time you flower you will have an impressive array for tight dense frosty nuggs :) Your plants will be fine without this of course, but think, every light that you can add will give you better quality.
I would encourage using different nutrients than SH provides. I won't harp, but there are lots of organic hydro nutes available to the hydro grower these days. There, that's all I'll say.
Lastly, and this was my hugest mistake when I made my own DWC rubbermaids (which is very similar to your setup should you care to do some specific research into the style of growing you are working with). Get a ph pen and a TDS meter. The kind of hydro that you and I do has almost no buffer should the ph be off, or should the water have to many nutrients and salts, the plants can be ruined over night!
DWC is very user friendly, and I look forward to hearing how this goes for you. Start an online grow journal to share you're journey into FREE HERBS FOR EFFIN LIFE with the rest of us.
Thanks, another STUPID question.... ONA stands for...? I like the cabinets but I already have the hyro system coming and they usually include the hydroponics system and are so $$. Looking to see if Ikea has something reasonable. Maybe I can get my son to drill some holes for stuff if I can find an appropriate cupboard. Im feeling overwhelmed and a little over my head :-(

benjamin alexander

Active Member
best advice i could have given you would have been to ask some questions before you started ordering stuff, i personally looked at a bubbleponincs system but being my first time i decided it was way too involved and expensive an investment to get it wrong so i read, and read, and read some more and asked a billion question and found the most foolproof way (at least i believe so) to start out with. air pruning hempy buckets, simple medium mix, time release ferts, just gotta water it (i got myself a moisture meter with an alarm lol) and i got a 5 spectrum led for simplicity (no heat issues etc)
is your son handy at all? i would suggest measuring your available space and putting one together yourself, meaning your son, or yes i have complete faith ikea will have something for you that can be easily adapted to your needs, if i didnt want to build my cabinet myself i had a few things lined up at ikea lol great place to shop for peeps like us.
ONA is a scent removing gel, comes in little tubs, just take the lid off, stick it next to your cabinet and presto! no more smelly skunk :)
ive just been through the same thing and completed my design, i looked at EVERYTHING, looked at every possibility and i have all the links and files right here if you need to know anything just ask!


Well-Known Member
It can be a little overwhelming but about 1/2 of dialing in your grow room is just simple physics. Most seed companies ship there seeds very discreetly. My nirvana seeds came in a such a discreet package I almost threw the fucker out!

To grow tropical plants in a nylon tent in your bedroom properly you have to throw a little money at them.
In general, your tent is going to need:
A general run down of things your going to NEED, they really are not optional.
-Like someone else said, a PH and PPM meter. Heed my advice and buy a NICE ph meter. If your not spending at least $60 your not getting one that is worth a damn.
- A temperature and humidity monitor. Ebay- $8
- Decent timer..i prefer the mechanical ones. - $20
- An oscillating fan - $25
- a small humidifier- a "cool" air one is preferable $20 at target or somewhere
- a de-humidifier (your not going to need a big one) craigs list is probably the best. Clean it out with bleach water before putting in your tent $50
- An inline fan I would probably say a 4" or a 6". honestly I have tried cheap ones and nice ones and the only difference seems to be noise really. $110
- A carbon filter they sell them based on the size of the room your scrubbing your is going to be really small.. $60-90
- fan speed controller $25

Anyway, back to the original question.. In terms of venting your tent, If you hooked the carbon filter up and were exhausting it outside your tent, then fresh air will get pulled into the tent thereby cooling it and providing fresh co2 and oxygen for the plants. So your kind of killing two birds with one stone. A little hint, your inlets are going to need to be twice as large as your fan outlet to get decent passive air flow into the tent. You can then use the speed controller on your fan to regulate temperature in the tent.

Your FIRST TASK.. before you go buying a bunch more stuff is to google your water bureau, get on there website, and look at their water quality reports to see what kind of levels of minerals and salts you have and what kind of sanitizing agent they are using (likely wither chlorine or chloramine). If your base PPM levels are really high, you would do well to invest in a reverse osmosis filter to treat your water prior to giving it to your plants. That's another $120 or so.

That, or just check out my coffee can grow thread and do it that way LOL
So, legalflying, Iam assuming since they use chlorine (see below) that I should purchase the rev. osmosis filter?! Ive got a lot of shopping. Change my mind (im a girl and allowed to) going to put in garage. More air circulation and wont get as hot as upstairs. Ive got some shopping to do... Yippy, just needed an excuse. Im sure I am going to get with a ton more issues. Why cant this stuff grow like the weeds in my grass... can't kill them!

Thanks Benjamin, I looked at Ikea, but for the cost of that and the fixin' Its about the same price as the hut and now that I am putting in garage, dont care as much about aesthetics.

For the record, I dont actually smoke/vape the stuff. My son was catastrophically injured and broke almost every extremity in body aswell as lost a leg. His pain is incredible and the drugs they were giving him didn't bring the pain below a 9. weed has brought it down to an average of 1 to 3. Yippy. Now off of the major Morphine, dilautid, oxy. NJ is so freakin slow with things, who can wait?!
Contaminant Units Compliance Achieved MCLG MCL Range Detected Highest Level Detected Typical Source Inorganic Chemicals Barium ppm Yes 2 2 0.004 to 0.093 0.093 Erosion of natural deposits Beryllium ppm Yes 0.004 0.004 ND to 0.046 0.046 Discharge from metal refineries and coal-burning factories; discharge from electrical, aerospace, and defense industries Fluoride ppm Yes 4 4 ND to 0.2 0.2 Erosion of natural deposits Mercury ppm Yes 2 2 ND to 0.0003 0.0003 Erosion of natural deposits Nitrate ppm Yes 10 10 ND to 3.08 3.08 Erosion of natural deposits Nitrite ppm Yes 1 1 ND to 0.009 0.009 Erosion of natural deposits Selenium ppm Yes 50 50 ND to 0.003 0.003 Erosion of natural deposits Treatment Byproducts Total Haloacetic Acids [THAA5s] ppb Yes NA 60 ND to 12 7.6 1 By-product of drinking water disinfection Total Trihalomethanes [TTHMs] ppb Yes NA 80 ND to 49 32.3 1 By-product of drinking water disinfection Volatile Organic Chemicals Methyl-tert-butyl-ether (MTBE) ppb Yes 0 70 ND to 60.3 60.3 Leaking underground gasoline and fuel oil tanks, gasoline and fuel oil spills Disinfectants Chlorine ppm Yes MRDLG = 4 MRDL = 4 0.27 to 0.50 0.5 Water additive used to control microbes Radiological Substances Alpha Emitters pCi/L Yes 0 15 ND to 10.8 10.8 Erosion of natural deposits Combined Radium (226/228) pCi/L Yes 0 5 <1 to 3.6 3.6 Erosion of natural deposits Uranium (URM) &#956;g/L Yes 0 30 2.2 to 16 16 Erosion of natural deposits Contaminant Units Action Level MCLG Amount Detected (90th%tile) Homes Above Action Level Compliance Achieved Typical Source Copper ppm 1.3 1.3 0.289 None Yes Corrosion of household plumbing systems Lead ppb 15 0 1 None Yes Corrosion of household plumbing systems Secondary Con-taminants Units Secondary MCL Range Detected Highest Level Detected Typical Source Aluminum ppm 0.2 ND to 0.344 0.34 Naturally occurring Iron ppm 0.3 0.0263 to 1.12 1.12 2 Naturally occurring Manganese ppm 0.05 ND to 0.134 0.134 3 Naturally occurring Sodium ppm 50 4.0 to 54 from levels which would be encoun-tered in drinking water 54 4 Naturally occurring


Well-Known Member
bubble ponics can take a little more reading but in my opinion it is totally woth it. They are very easy to build and fairly inexpensive. All you really need is a air pump and a watter pump. You can get cheap ones for about 20 dollars each.
Thanks newbiebob, the StealthHydroponics Bubble seemd the easiest and choose that over soil due to size issues and speed of growth. After reading these posts I am nervous though, about opening one morning and finding them all dead! Heck, with all the stress Im putting myself under with all this, I might try it. LOL

I have a few seeds from the crap we have gotten and was going to start with that as well as 1 seed from awesome stuff. Thought I wouldnt be killing $100. worth of prime seeds if I messed up. I am excided though, to see if I can do this! Kind of an ego thing I suppose (yes us ladies do have egos too). Is it worth the chemicals to try on these seeds or just go for broke???

benjamin alexander

Active Member
id either get a copy of the water quality report for your area or take a sample into a hydro shio to be sested for oh/ppm/tds etc before buying s filter, you might be lucky and not need one! but r/o filters work fine

benjamin alexander

Active Member
ill look into it for you, generally your gonna be able to get away with ph up and down, you need to know the total disolved solids and parts per million of your water before you put your nutes in so you dont set the levels too high, and remember organic nutes are meant to be used with reverse osmosis water therer is benefit to it for sure.. but if on a budget you can do without, up to you

benjamin alexander

Active Member
personally being in a slightly similar situation to your son (sustained a really bad injury, mj only thing that REALLY helps) i looked into bubbleponics, aeroponics, soil. upside downs you name it and was going to do bubbleponics until i discovered hempy buckets and how simple and fool proof they are and with the right nutes can yield similar size and qyality as a bbp system anyway, thats what i would have reccomended for your first time grow, can still do it, costs next to nothing for your first round and then try the bubbleponics when you have a good understanding of how the plants behave, one less thing to worry about imho, bbp was just too many things to juggle with everything already going on and being my first time.
Benjamin, the Hempy bucket looks like a great idea. Ive been googling all nite.. missed the Eagles game (no biggie - they lost) stupid question... I guess you put a drip pan down underneath? Dah.. I know but I did declare I am a newbie. lots more reading and investigating tents. found cheap ones on amazon for about $80-$100. some claim some light leak but isnt that what duct tape is for? plus will be in garage where it is dark 23 out of 24 hours anyway.

Can anyone recommend a sone stop shop for all the fans and stuff.. still really confused. I see in pics alum piping and THAT has me shaking in boots. Are they just more elaborate? Looked at home depot - had intake fan but no out fans.. Why dont they just make kits for Gods sake?

benjamin alexander

Active Member
yeah you can put a drip tray underneath if you want, i personally just linked up all my drainage points off my pots together with 1 inch poly tubing so it all drains as one into a container with a level on it, so i know exactly when ive flushed enough, i basically created a set up that once you get it going, there is no guess work and it pretty much runs itself! just make sure your tent is reflective inside and not too thin. yeah duct tape will fix everything, and cable ties!
not sure, i just ened up using a 6 inch can fan onto my own homemade carbon filter, you dont always need an intake fan, a passive intake is all i run over a 'mini air floor' made out of peg board. dont stress you dont need to use alum piping, you can use dryer ducting, mini air con ducting, pvc pipe, its not as scary as it seems, ill talk you through it


Active Member

Air Purification

Fans a fan. Points in one direction. If it's pointing in, its intake. Pointing out, exhaust.

The carbon filters at the store require some serious CFM to push air through them. So you can't buy a filter and attach a "booster" fan/canfan to it. You would have to attach one of the more powerful inline fans.

Using a DIY Carbon filter, like the one I've made, will work with a can fan. Can fans are sold at homedepot, but the inline blowers are mostly at the hydro stores. The links i sent are from a wholesale company. Likely they have a retail store near you. If not, you might want to check your area for Hydrofarm retailers, or Nickel City or the other big one that slips my mind. It's cyber monday, homedepot might have free shipping. Or maybe lowes will.


Well-Known Member
You can get rid of chlrorine just by letting the water sit out overnight with an air stone in it. Couldn't really decipher your past all the way not sure if some are ppm or ppb. At any rate, your putting carts before the horse. You can buy the most eloborate beautiful grow system but if your room sucks... Guess what. Your weed is going to suck. So stop tripping about popping seeds and what not. I can't beleive there are not any hydro stores nearby that you can go and get your questions asked. Be smart, bring a notepad and write shit down. If they are aloof or give you the tude, go somewhere else. I went to 7 stores before finding a manager that knew his shit, wasn't a complete ego stoner, and could work with me on prices. I've spent 3k there in the last 12 months

Oh yeah. About the bubble ponics, great system but not for beginners. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but if your asking the questions that you are, odds are good your going to fuck it up. I would suggest the hempy bucket or my favorite, an ebb and flow table