Help on laws, cant find it.


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow ommp friends. i would like to grow some medicine outdoors this year, and i am wondering about the laws on growing on your own property. I live in a suburb, and have some cool neighbors, and some stuck up ones...

I guess i want to know, how high does my fence have to be to not be considered, "in public view"? I have a 6' fence, but if tall folks try to, they could see over it. Any help from folks who know, would be greatly appreciated.

Live Love


Well-Known Member
Check out the Oregon Revised Statutes.I don't know the citation off the top of my head but you could look it on the index.


Well-Known Member
Well if you have the time and a couple bowls to smoke here is some reading for ya:
Here is the link for the ommp handbook in pdf;
Copy and paste into your tool bar and it should work.
And here is the link for the entire law in pdf;

Hope that helps, the way I look at it if your neighbors can see or smell it you might want to put up more protection.:weed:


Well-Known Member
you should have a greenhouse anyway, so build one. that keeps them out of public view and has the added benefit of keeping them dry when late september and early october rains come rolling in.