help on light heightt


ok so i have 2 female plants growing. you can read most of the stuff about my grow in my journal .

my question is i just recently about a week ago picked up a hid light. it is a 300,400,600,660w changeable ballast and im not quite sure what my bulb is .

i started with the lights about 12" above the plants at 660w (yes im a new they were using just cfs before this) but about an hour into the light running my temps were near 100f. so i dropped it down to 400w for the first couple days to let them adjust without shocking them. 12" was too close so i moved them to about 18". then i noticed some leaf tips burning and almost looks like some of my pistils started turning brown.

so tonight i lifted the light to about 24" above the canopy and am gonna see if that helps my heat issue but is that too far if im running 600 or 660w? and when should start raising the watage?

have some ppiIMG_20130924_213855.jpgIMG_20130924_214007.jpgIMG_20130924_213855.jpg
so the first and last is the height my hid is atm about 24" and some random pics of how my flowers are starting to look and bud formations.

I am posting here because im not sure of the best heights for my hid and any other advice that could be given. so if you cant find something here just check my journal that has just about everyting up to date. Thank you in advance for any and all help .



Well-Known Member
first off your attachments do not open

hid lights are great..............what kind of Hood/reflector

the reason u keep them at a distance is do to the heat they make if u have a aircooled/cool tube system u can get with in like 8 inches 1 foot of the plant

here is a old trick put your hand on top of the plant so the plam is touch it and the back of the hand is facing the light ..............if the back of your hand gets to hot with in 30 secs u need to back the light off the plant

here are the light charts for distances/ lumen output

View attachment 2834881View attachment 2834882


Well-Known Member
What are your tent dimensions?
What is your ventilation situation?
are you using a vented hood or cool tube?

Depending on all factors ( size tent, watts, ventilation etc.)
you should be able to balance the heat load of a 600 watt light.

if you add an 8" inline fan pulling thru a carbon filter and blowing
across your bulb and out of the tent.

( the filter Will control odor all internal air goes out thru filter)

Use a 6" inline fan as a fresh air supply.

I have a fan controller on my fresh air intake fan.

My Fresh air fan runs 24/7, the other fan runs with the lights it cools.


OK so yea this is my first grow and I have been on a budget I just got the hps from a friend last week
IMG_20130925_021848.jpgIMG_20130925_021840.jpg I'm also growing in my closet it's roughly 4x3 and probably 7' tall. I currently have a fan blowing beneath the light and one at the back of the closet blowing air out and my attic access open above


Well-Known Member
what u have is called a air cool hood

u see that round part u need to find out if it is 4 inches or 6 inches

from there u get some Flexie ducting ............and a inline fan

(they are hooked up the fan will suck air by the bulb and keep it cool allowing u to be closer to to the tops of the plants )


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ as stated above, you need ducting, an inline fan and also the glass that fits your hood/reflector......get that taken care of an watch your temps drop to 78 in a heartbeat. You are stressing your plants right now, trouble lies ahead.


Well-Known Member
It does not matter how cool every thing is, if my 600 watt hps is less than 12 inches away from the plants, the leaves will start to bleach.


OK so is 24" too far? I do not have money for the glass or ducting yet but plan on it in the next couple weeks.


This is kinda of a ghetto idea but if i found a way to attach a storm window (glass) to the bottom of the hood would that lower the lumens going through? would it be worth it to get it closer to the plants? i do have 5 23w 2700k cfls at the base of the plants to get undergrowth also. but currently the light is sitting about 2 feet above the top buds and i saw the chart above im loosing a ton of lumens. I know i want it lower but heat was stressing them for sure. Any other easy cheap ideas guys????


sorry for the double post but if im following the charts above correctly at 24" its only getting about 7k lumens when if i had it cooled and only 12" it would be 4x that at 30k lumens??


Well-Known Member
it depends on the plants

but yep u got the idea now

cheap easy idea ..................tell buddies now 200 bucks gets them a life time lock on OZ for 300 each cash supply for the finaly gear