help on lighting


Well-Known Member
i wonder if any one can help with a lighting question
my plants are 42 days old and i am about to switch to the flowering stage and i was wondering how far above the plants the light should be
i am using a 400 watt sodium (son t) lamp.
At the moment it is about 7 ins above them (2 plants)


Well-Known Member
If you can put your hand under, just above the plants for a min without burning it you should be ok.... good luck


Well-Known Member
hers some pics's off my plants so far (thats if i have done this right )

the one on the left is 12 inches high,
i am using coco and feeding it blood,fish and bones.1teaspoon a week)
the K.N.P=666
ph level = high alkaline

the one on the right is 14 inches high
i am using miracle grow potting mix on this one
and the ph level is high acid which im going to use garden lime to try and neutralize

im going to use IONIC coco bloom nutrient solution for the flowering state for both of them

any comments would be great good or bad, especially on how to get the ph level right and keep it there.

as you might of guessed this is my this is my first grow any hell would be very greatfull

oh btw how long do you normaly keep the growing stage going before you put it to the flower



Well-Known Member
Limiting the height of a marijuana plant has always been a difficult task for me, so I just raise the height of the light as the plant grows. There are methods of limiting the height of a plant, but none of them have worked for me, so I'm not going to recommend one, the Marijuana Growers Guide has the most comprehensive descriptions I have seen on limiting the height of weed plants.


Well-Known Member
what kinda of room you working with..I usaully end mine about 30 days after sprout..Got to experiment with what you have to work with..Might get one or two shit crops but you'll figure it out with persistance
Ive also set up a stick across the top of my plants and have grown them like a vine plant..wraping it around the stick as it grows...Like a grapevine
This will also enable lower shots to react like main shots and become dense and large due to the great lighting it gets..