Help on my 1 month old red diesels with pics please


Well-Known Member
They are all looking alot green at the top now in the centers of the leaves so I am not sure if I should just water it one more time or if I should go ahead with a weak strength solution. I have not nute burn, which is that I was aiming for. I just do not want to not give them enough again and then they start to yellow again.


Well-Known Member
The soil looks fine and theres no sign of over watering.Do what i said the FE should do the trick.Hippy why such a large container you gonna veg for 6 months??


Well-Known Member
I hate this guessing shit!!
I know that feeling!

But once you guess right a few times its great fun :wink:

I would leave off on the nutes another couple of days just to encourage new root growth. If you soak them in nutes now then they will have less desire to search the pot for food. I don't know was EC the soil is that you are using tho? Do you?? Im sure it is more than adequate to sustain your plants for at least a week tho???

Maybe ask Hippie, if He is using the same soil then he might give you a rough idea, of how long the feed in your soil is good for???

Anyway thats my guess, don't feed for a few more days to a week, then start with 1/4 strength nutes.


Well-Known Member
I guess I will go get some Fish Emulsion like you said. Should I add a small amount of nutes too? or Just the Fish Emulsion for right now and see what happens?


Well-Known Member
There should be plenty of nutes to last atleast 1 month for sure with seedlings after you transplant em just water them, I go by the weight of the container.Get in the habit of knowing the feel when you have watered good then wait till it feels light works for me.Are the ole 2 digit rule stick finger in soil if its dry to the second knuckle on index finger water.The soil im using now is out of Canada its called Sunshine Professional makeup of 0.1 0.1 0.1 But has alot of micro nutes as i like to add my own Nitrogen staying away from urea will help the taste dramatically,GL JC.BEECHY.Not being rude but use the old formula KISS,keep it simple,stupid as i was told about 10 yrs ago..


Well-Known Member
Well I left the plants in the ocean forest soil for a week and then gave them a 1/4 strength nute feed and it looks like it has burned some of the leaves now on the tips and on some of the sides of them. THey have not grown to much and still look yellow even though the tips are burned. Should I just give them plain PHed water for a week and see what happens after that. Maybe They will will come or of this spell and just start turning regular green again after I give them plain water for a while?