Help on trimming??


Well-Known Member
Could somone please tell me what the rules are on trimming fan leaves when flowering,i hane 5 plants 5 weeks flowering and want to make more light for the bottom buds,could somone tell me how much ,and what times ican trimm,thanx:joint:


New Member
The plant gets its energy from the fan leaves. Toward the end of flowering, they will turn yellow and fall off ... or you can easily pull them off at that point. Its better to leave the healthy leaves on the plant. You can tuck them out of the way, or even cut some of them in half ... but I wouldn't advise chopping off a bunch of healthy leaves.



Well-Known Member
Dude, my vote, and what I did was.......go ahead and trim away!
Just don't go crazy. And try to keep "some" healthy leaves.
Especially on the lower 1/3 of the plant.
Atleast that's what I did.
I got some beautiful buds too.


Well-Known Member
thanx guys,but every time i ask that question i get two totally dfifferent ansewrs could somone show me results of a plant that was trimmed up and one that wasnt.I want the most possible yeild .,