Help! Our 4 plants are dying!


Active Member
Our four plants are dying from something and we think it may be nutirent burn or incorrect pH. Here are some photos, your opinions are much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
well, what nutrients are you using? and you have hydro but no meter to get the pH and PPM? bad decision, pH and PPM are key in hydro setups...


Well-Known Member
Even if they are brand new, the Roots will not interact with the sponges in a benifical way, also I doubt the Sponges are nessecarily inert in nature.

Out with the sponges and in with Something that works.

IMO the plants are allready dead.


Active Member
I honestly didn't think about that, I knew it was stupid to use sponges, but it was a temporary solution. When we found out the pH was really high we quickly moved them into the hydroponics system (w/o nutrients) and at the time we still did not have our grow media in yet, as we had planned on staying in the soil another week or so.

We've got a bunch of plants that have just sprouted, perhaps they can take the place of this bunch.

Thanks for your help all.


Active Member
So in an effort to prevent restarting and an attempt to save our 4 plants we replaced the sponges with 100% perlite and replaced the nutirent solution with 5 gallons of distilled water. We then flushed the plants, they have been flushed for a half hour so far, so approximately 1/2 gallon each.

Here are some photos. How much longer do we need to flush? And, will this work?

The yellowing and browning has not yet made it to the chutes on any of the plants.

Opinions please!


Well-Known Member
You may save them but you have some seriously stressed plants.

They will need more than just water, you will want to add a Really low like less than 1/4 strength nute.

And If you can get superthrive or B1 or both add it as well it will really help them and the roots.


Active Member
Okay, 3 times a day for how long? We were on 4 times daily for 15 minutes.

1/4 strength? Any idea on best PPM and best pH levels are?



Well-Known Member
5.8ph, start off at 350ppm and slowly work up.

And actually do the 15on 4 times a day.

With just perlite you really cant overwater.


Well-Known Member
....... stick em in soil.... will save you loads of time and frustration.....