HELP! Outdoor Patio; bugs and leaf problems (PICS)

I think I originally posted this in the wrong area, my apologies, here are the details:

Hi all, I am hoping to get some insights with a couple of problems:

I have three 3 small med plants growing on a patio in a beach town in southern California. It rarely rises above 80 degrees and very low humidity.

They get a lot of sun (8-10 hours) every day and almost constant breeze.

The plants are on a patio in large planters with Miracle Grow potting soil and rocks at the bottom. The plants are clones about 3 weeks apart of various Indica strains.

It seems I have a pest problem as you can see in one photo of leaf chomping so I used the 3-1 organic pest/ fungus control.

I am watering daily, spraying with Miracle Grow 2X a week and have applied the 3in1 twice in the last 2 weeks. The bugs are still chomping.




they dont seem to be bad bro i really wouldnt stress to much about it,it looks like slight burn and small lockout on the one plant. again i wouldnt worry about it in the end they will be just fine maybe chill with the nutes and if your not using nutes flush them once with lots of water


Well-Known Member
You only use that with big plants,Just scan those lil girls,under leaves,use a flash light............


Active Member
are they mites under the leafs? should almost need a magnifing glass to see them. outside plants are infamous for mites.


lockout is when your ph is different from what the plant can accept, marijuana in soil ususally accepts ph between 6 and 7 roughly so try to keep it there ideally 6.5, think of it this way imagine having your favorite food in the world, sitting down to eat it and someone comes sits down and starts talking to you and spits all over it, the food is still good, and its there, but i wouldnt accept it, hope this helps

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
I used Rotenone-pyrethrins. It is a consintrate. it was $20 bucks but you add a tbl spoon to 1 gallon. Worked very very well. then neem oil after that.