Help outdoor pest eating plant!!!

Hey guys i bought a pest control liquid from the local garden store just wondering if it would be ok to spray my plant without it being toxic as i am very desperate for a solution! thanks!:cuss:

Yeah, an hour and 26 minutes in the middle of the night and no one has responded to your bad pictures. This site sucks !!
Excuse me ??? how are the pictures bad ? i come to this site to get help not to get ridiculed. have a toke and answer my question please is that a better picture DSC_0006.jpg


Well-Known Member
Where are you on the equator? What pests are you dealing with, bugs, rodents, birds, or large animals? Looks like hampsters attacked your grow from this angle, idk.......fuck.


Well-Known Member
Pour petrol all over it and set it on fire . Hopefully you torch the catapillar. No but seriously its a few bites out of some lower fan leaves ,no big deal , i wouldnt go using bug sprays and chemicals for such a minor problem, just let it grow
Pour petrol all over it and set it on fire . Hopefully you torch the catapillar. No but seriously its a few bites out of some lower fan leaves ,no big deal , i wouldnt go using bug sprays and chemicals for such a minor problem, just let it grow
Thanks man will update when plant is burnt could i use kerosene instead ? i'm going down there today i will update with pictures :fire:


Well-Known Member
No-one`s hardly up at 5;00a, the first pic sucks, the second one is sideways, don`t know what to expect for a next pic. BUT..The plant is fine, the bottom leaves always belong to Nature, ..........

...What`s the problem again ?


Well-Known Member
Oh, ya ....Dude, those leafs aren`t even gonna be on the plant when it grows another month, .....First time ?

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
lol... your plant looks good.

Its probably a grasshopper. Its nothing to worry about, let nature handle it. Im sure there are plenty of birds out there looking for some big juicy bugs....


im thinking could be grasshoppers or roley poleys they can climb n e thing deer wouldve destroyed it but i would suggest getting some sticky pads like for ants n roaches and put around the base of ur plants


If your growing outside at this time of the year I presume your either in Australia or NZ, and while your plant is fine now and the bottom leaves as stated above always end up gone I would not be overly concerned with that, although a lot of people here are probably from the USA or Canada and don't know the level of pests we have is incredibly harsh on plants. You can go from having a 3-4 foot plant looking great to a pest ridden half dead monster the next day.

You want to get preventative in veg period prior to this occurring, the way to do this is as follows:

DONT spray your plants as stated with bug or pest sprays unless you already have an infestation, they are a last resort. If you do need to spray do it with an organically friendly pyrithium spray that is much less harsh than other brands.

Put Pet and children approved SLUG and SNAIL pellets sprinkled all around your plants, if wild animals eat them it will not affect or kill them (you don't want this), but it will prevent any crawlies including catepillars from coming near your plants. Put more out once a month as they will tend to absorb into the ground with rain etc and become less effective.

Use neem oil on your plants in a weak foliar spray as a preventative or more aggressive if you notice pests becoming an issue, if you don't know what that is google it and its application, you should be using this all through veg and into flower for at least a few weeks.

Put fly papers around the area of your plants, 2 to 3 is fine at a time and they are not overly expensive, this will prevent most of the flying bugs.

If you use these methods you will probably notice that you will have very few issues with any types of bugs your entire grow.

If you have animal problems like deer foxes etc that is another issue (your plants aren't eaten so Id presume you don't in your area).


Well-Known Member
hey you will have to pepper spray your plants. 5 super hot peppers super diced 4cups water then simmer on really low heat 30 min cool and strain then spray on plant leaves soil every day till they are healthy and weekly after that. the bugs will leave them alone or die. the plants will not be harmed at all. nature is nature's cure my friend.
If your growing outside at this time of the year I presume your either in Australia or NZ, and while your plant is fine now and the bottom leaves as stated above always end up gone I would not be overly concerned with that, although a lot of people here are probably from the USA or Canada and don't know the level of pests we have is incredibly harsh on plants. You can go from having a 3-4 foot plant looking great to a pest ridden half dead monster the next day.

You want to get preventative in veg period prior to this occurring, the way to do this is as follows:

DONT spray your plants as stated with bug or pest sprays unless you already have an infestation, they are a last resort. If you do need to spray do it with an organically friendly pyrithium spray that is much less harsh than other brands.

Put Pet and children approved SLUG and SNAIL pellets sprinkled all around your plants, if wild animals eat them it will not affect or kill them (you don't want this), but it will prevent any crawlies including catepillars from coming near your plants. Put more out once a month as they will tend to absorb into the ground with rain etc and become less effective.

Use neem oil on your plants in a weak foliar spray as a preventative or more aggressive if you notice pests becoming an issue, if you don't know what that is google it and its application, you should be using this all through veg and into flower for at least a few weeks.

Put fly papers around the area of your plants, 2 to 3 is fine at a time and they are not overly expensive, this will prevent most of the flying bugs.

If you use these methods you will probably notice that you will have very few issues with any types of bugs your entire grow.

If you have animal problems like deer foxes etc that is another issue (your plants aren't eaten so Id presume you don't in your area).

One of the best replys i have gotten thanks so much!