help outdoor rain emergency

Lara vanhousen

Well-Known Member
rain came in today thought my plants were stronger large colas everywhere snapping off hanigng on by threads already took off a few branches. Thikning about ealry harvest now or possibly standing in the rain today trying to steak them im guessing at this point it wouldnt be a problome to jam a new steak in the root mass.. im in coco.... assuming unflushed bud is worthless should i just start flushing the shit out of the coco and maybe just let the plant slowly die and harvest it two or three days or what? sorry for the rambling its raining cats and dogs and im scrambling around trying to explain my situation and get it posted please any idead or really an input would be great these plants cant hold much more weight thanks for any input


Well-Known Member
rain came in today thought my plants were stronger large colas everywhere snapping off hanigng on by threads already took off a few branches. Thikning about ealry harvest now or possibly standing in the rain today trying to steak them im guessing at this point it wouldnt be a problome to jam a new steak in the root mass.. im in coco.... assuming unflushed bud is worthless should i just start flushing the shit out of the coco and maybe just let the plant slowly die and harvest it two or three days or what? sorry for the rambling its raining cats and dogs and im scrambling around trying to explain my situation and get it posted please any idead or really an input would be great these plants cant hold much more weight thanks for any input
don't know how big your plant is, can always make a temporary pvc shelter for times of hard rain, could also use to hang wires to support buds


Well-Known Member
I put up and easy up gazebo over mine cause the forecast was saying it was going to pour and it has.
Has been great as they are not getting wet at all. I also have 4 walls 3 with windows for light to get in.
Maybe consider that.

Lara vanhousen

Well-Known Member
thanks ive been trying to tie them up don t have much time to set anything large up normal day there about 6 or 7 feet but all hunkered down from the rain there pobably thinking about the pvc option but i dont have a truck with me so thats a shit load of couplelers and cutting how bigs that pop up cazebo and at what point of breaking is a branch worth leaving on. i have some haning by like the outer bark skin of the trunk and others that still have some connection but look like would splitner any second... guess the question is at what point will it start dying and no long uptake nutrients


Well-Known Member
You can do it without stakes. You tie one branch off against its opposing partner branch. Do this for all your main branches off the stalk. Then start running loops around the outside of the plant going up 6 inches with each loop. It'll get you through.


Well-Known Member
any guage at what point a broken branch is worth cutting off?
You might as well remove most of the broken branches, their future is challenged already. salvage what you can. Save the few that will obviously make it & take the rest, they will smoke fine. Add support all the way around the others....good luck


Well-Known Member
Wrap the netting around your plant, then start tying up inner branches. It's a two man operation usually. Of course it's always better to install the netting before flowering.


Well-Known Member
Best I could do was move my plants underneath an old walnut tree.

Hopefully all that super cropping helped toughen them up. They were leaning a bit and I shook them pretty hard to get some of the water off with no breakage in sight.

There has to benefits of it raining on your plants.

Lara vanhousen

Well-Known Member
thanks a ton everyone mwooten your a luck son of a bitch for building support around the garden. I ended up running in cicrcles tying things up for a few hours and unfourntelly had to take a few branches of pre mature plant materiel. Tried to spend some time reading up about unflushed and premature buds.... water cured a few ozzzzzssss because "the internet" said it could possibly help leach out any nutrients still in there. Did i just fuck myself??? left maybe a half oz to dry like normal for comparison.... Dont know if i should possiby dump those buds out and get them to start drying... again thanks for everyones help


Well-Known Member
I plastic tarped mine. Looks a little like shanty town but it's holding up so far.. I know it raises the humidity under the plastic, but I've sprayed with neem and left opening for air flow