help outdoor


Active Member
I am starting a grow but im thinking of strting it in my windowsil what will i need for this ...and could u tell me how long i wil have to keep it there ...i hav got a cup and some soil do i need anything else ??


Active Member
Make sure there are holes in your cup for drainage. I would say grow it in there until roots poke out the bottom of the cup, then transplant it to a bigger pot outside or in the ground.


Active Member
From what I'm seeing on these forums windowsill growing seems to lead to a lot of stem stretching, I don't know if the light doesn't pass through the glass well or what, but in my short time here I've already seen about a dozen instances of windowsill growing resulting in stretching in the seedlings.
You may want to consider just getting like a desk lamp with a decent cfl in it to get the plant started before putting it on sunlight.

That's just my take given the trends I've been seeing around here though.