HELP! P.M. problem six weeks into flowering!!

im six weeks into flowering and i have mild powdery mildew on a few plants. one is getting pretty severe. ive tried neem oil but it hasnt affected it one bit. ive been told to use milk and water spray. will the spray ruin my buds this far into flowering?


Well-Known Member
This is straight from the bible.

-Powdery mildew-
Identify: First indication of infection is small spots on the tops of the leaves. At this point the disease has been inside the plant a week or more. Spots progress to a fine, pale, gray-white powdery coating on growing shoots, leaves and stems. Powdery mildew is not always limited to the upper surface of foliage. Growth slows, leaves yellow and plants die as the disease advances. Occasionally fatal indoors, this disease is at its worst when roots dry out and foliage is moist. Plants are infected for weeks before they show the first symptoms.
Control: Cleanliness!! Prevent this mildew by avoiding cool, damp, numid, dim grow room conditions, as well as fluctuating temperatures and humidity. Low light levels and stale aire affect this disease. Increase air circulation and ventilation, and make sure light intensity is high. Space containers far enough apart so air freely flows between plants. Allow foliage to dry before turning off lights. Remove and destroy foliage more than 50% infected. Avoid excess nitrogen. Copper and sulfur-lime sprays are a good prophylactic.
Biological Control: Apply serenade (bacillus subtilis) or spray with a saturation of baking soda and water.
Sprays: Bordeaux mixture may keep this mold in check. A saturation of baking soda spray dries to a fine powder on the leaf; the baking soda changes the surface ph of the leaf to 7 and the powdery mildew cannot grow.

Other than that sorry I can not give my own advice, I am only 2 months into my first garden, im still a noob!


Well-Known Member
im six weeks into flowering and i have mild powdery mildew on a few plants. one is getting pretty severe. ive tried neem oil but it hasnt affected it one bit. ive been told to use milk and water spray. will the spray ruin my buds this far into flowering?
Post a few pics of this problem plant with the mildew.


Rebel From The North
im six weeks into flowering and i have mild powdery mildew on a few plants. one is getting pretty severe. ive tried neem oil but it hasnt affected it one bit. ive been told to use milk and water spray. will the spray ruin my buds this far into flowering?
if you use milk it has to be skim milk or goats milk the skim milks easy to get and it safe but it not going to solve it your just puting a bandaid
on a major cut, a sulfur burner is a shure fire way of killing it


New Member
do not burn sulfur this far into flowering, i know it sucks but ditch em(make hash), clean everything twice, and address why you are getting pm in the first place. do you have good ventelation?????? do you have good circulation????? humidity in check?????? are your temps steady???????? dont give it a place to start by creating a hostile enviroment.

1) you must maintain steady temps. a big fluctuation in room temp is bad. keep the highs to 75-78 and the lows above 65( i like to keep my room at 73 at night and 78 during the day).

2) you must have sufficient fresh air coming in and out of the room.

3) you must have good air circulation in you room from fans, hit every spot in you room with moving air, move pots so air can move freely in the room between plants

4) humidity needs to be kept low, a dehumidifier is a must for most people growing.

if im missing anything on the pm subject someone else will chime in im sure.


And don't take clones from plants with PM. Don't accept clones from friends with PM.
Sulfur burners are great preventatives if started early.
I spray weekly with either liquid sulfur or Serenade.
do not burn sulfur this far into flowering, i know it sucks but ditch em(make hash), clean everything twice, and address why you are getting pm in the first place. do you have good ventelation?????? do you have good circulation????? humidity in check?????? are your temps steady???????? dont give it a place to start by creating a hostile enviroment.

1) you must maintain steady temps. a big fluctuation in room temp is bad. keep the highs to 75-78 and the lows above 65( i like to keep my room at 73 at night and 78 during the day).

2) you must have sufficient fresh air coming in and out of the room.

3) you must have good air circulation in you room from fans, hit every spot in you room with moving air, move pots so air can move freely in the room between plants

4) humidity needs to be kept low, a dehumidifier is a must for most people growing.

if im missing anything on the pm subject someone else will chime in im sure.
good advice and its much appreciated my man. i actually do know exactly what i did wrong and its ventilation. but ill make sure i do a better job of that next time around, im still learning. luckily it was only bad enough on one and the others are fine.


sound crazy but you could spray them with water before you trim washes alot of pm off.dont put them in the shower lol put spray the crap out of them.and pull off all the leafs with mp or mp coming in,that far in you dont want to give them nothing that kills pm cuz it will b in ur smoke.


New Member
yeah, all my friends, especially my little brother give me shit for how many fans i have in my room. its only 6x8x8 and i have a 400cfm fan pushing in fresh air. a 800 cfm fan that pulls air from my flowering,veg,and cure cabinet. then in the room i have 2 16" airking oscilators, up top i have a another tower fan that blows cool air from my ac and one on the floor to keep air going down low. but i tell em "hey theres alot of fans in there but theres no mold dick"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!