Help pinpoint this defficiency


Hey guys, let me start by saying I love this site, I'm a extremely long time lurker but first time poster
I've been growing for quite a while, but recently ran into an issue I can't Control!!!

This started about week 2 into flower, I'm now in week 6. Strain is TGA jacked up in for soil with 3part ff nutes and calmag. I've made my own feeding schedule, it's very similar to ff's. Not much deviation. My ppm feed is 6.8 ph, 900ppm once a week. I flushed when this problem first started a curing with a red out of 2 200 ppm and 6.7ph. I switched to earth juice bloom and have been feeding 10 l per gal of bloom ph'd at 6.8 once a week for the last 2 weeks and 10 ml of calmag. I do 2 water 1 feed schedule every 3 day. So water, 3 days, water, 3 days, feed. Now close to 7 weeks into flower and the problem isn't getting better,mor worse. It's just not going away. Here are some pictures. The plants are in 5 gallon home Depot buckets and we're v egged for 49 days under a 400watt hortilux blue, then switched to a 1000 watt hortilux super hps kept about 24" away. I've never had this problem. Is jacked up a heavy or light feeder. This looks exactly like a P deficiency to me. It started on the lower bottom fsn leaves and is working its way up.Any help is extremely appreciated!!!
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Well-Known Member
from now on dont take pics with the lights on please, use natural lighting its impossible to see ATM.
Id suggest making sure you havnt spilled nutrient solution onto your leaves and then check your PH make sure thats correct and then finally check your E.C to make sure your nutrient solution isnt too strong.
THEN you can worry about a perhaps deficiency.


I can retake pics not a problem. Nute splash has never been an issue. These plants are between 5.5 - 6 feet tall. Ive always closelly monitered exactly what i feed, and the runoff after every water and has been written down in a journel.this is my first time with this particular strain. I have some males that looks absolutely beautiful, but these fems have given me the most trouble. Ill use a better camera/lighting and get them uploaded here shortly


Theyre all females, but one of the 4 was pollinated then reintroduced back after i was confident no loose pollen would interact with the other 3. I spent some time in there and found knats in the soil. Which im not sure how because i let them drain and carefull not to overwater, but looks like im going to need to wait an extra day or even two between waterings. This might be my issue as knat larvea can seem like all kinda of defficiencys. I didnt notice them at all when i flushed last week, so maybe not. The issue does seem to be getting slighly better after carefully looking over each plant today. But there are a lot ofmeffected leaves, even some at the top 3/4. I put a fan over the soil today and am going to wait a few days to let the top few inches of soil to fully dry. Some better pics are coming in a little bit after the lights go out, have them set at 7am-7pm so no sense in turning them off an hour early just for a couple pics.


Well-Known Member
Soil is your issue hehe, I've only ever got knats in soil never in coco.
Just let the soil dry out and hang ALOT of fly papers to kill them.


Haha im not sure im confident enough yet to grow in coco. Ive been thinking about setting up some sort of hydro system though. Dont have a whole lot of funds to switch right now and soil is pretty cheap. Maybe ill setup a single bucket on my next run to "practice"...hehe


Well-Known Member
I grow in coco 5 plants per grow, 20l pots.
So it's $90 in coco, $150 in nutrients per grow.
Not that expensive considering I get around $5k back

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member


One thing that's wierd, I've never seen, is the leaves dying from the center where all the leaflets come together at the base of the can also see other affected leaves behind the ones I focused on
Again, sorry for crap quality, my actual camera won't charge for some reason so had to do my best with my shitty tablet


I dont know the conversion from e.c. to ppm. But not more then 900 ppm per feed once every 9 days. Ive cut it back to 330 ppm for the last week. Last weeks flush started at around 2200-2400. And i switched from ff nutes to earthjuice bloom (15ml per gal) and catlyst (5ml per gal) which metered at 330 ppm.
Like i stated, this is my first grow of this particular strain.
Since these 3 phenos grew almost identicle to my other jack herer runs i kept it pretty much the same of my previous jack herer grows, where i never had a single issue.
This is my second flush, first going into flower 6 weeks ago. Then just bam it happened so fast.
I was feeding 10ml tiger bloom and 30 ml of the big bloom. Was that too much? Its about 1/2-2/3 of recomended feed