Help! Plant has yellow discoloration and brown spots

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Active Member
mate first calm down no one wants to argue here so be nice have a joint, and take it eazy im not going to reply to the messeage you send becouse oviously you dont know how to talk nice so later mate
What up nas? These guyz are still going with this? Thats funny. It doesnt matter how long its been growing, its how much its developed. It has not developed much at all. Its locked out. I bet the roots aren't 3 inches long. Yes the light is weak. That's not the bigger issue. Here's one of my grows at exactly 14 days from seed

Ps the guys arguing about a soil problem grow hydro. I find that to be funny.


Well-Known Member
why the hell does this guy keep posting pics of his plants?what the hell does that have to do with helping this guy with his plants...i think these guys are smoking more than crack making its suburban comeback?


Active Member
Ruiner. More than one person on this forum that I've talked to about you said you are a joke. And that you are always sti king your nose where it doesnt belong. Keep posting fool. You are gaining quite the reputation. Your name suits you well.hahahahacahahahahahaa


Well-Known Member
Ruiner. More than one person on this forum that I've talked to about you said you are a joke. And that you are always sti king your nose where it doesnt belong. Keep posting fool. You are gaining quite the reputation. Your name suits you well.hahahahacahahahahahaa
i dont blame ur mate saying that, jokers alwais will be jokers


Well-Known Member
Ruiner. More than one person on this forum that I've talked to about you said you are a joke. And that you are always sti king your nose where it doesnt belong. Keep posting fool. You are gaining quite the reputation. Your name suits you well.hahahahacahahahahahaa
why...because i speak my mind..and i call bullshit..when its needed.why is it people get offended when people disagree with other people?and then it just turns into lame insults to make up for their lack of knowledge on a subject....and talk to anyone that knows me on here knows that i try to help people in ways that will work best for them....other than your line earlier of telling people to suck your dick....who is the joke...i normally stick to my own journals...not once have i had some random asshole pop on and talk shit like other people ive seen...not once.why..because i only call bullshit when its needed....and im sure others here will was needed


Active Member
Baaahahahahaaa. You could grow a plant in a paper towel almost as big as that. Come on man!
are you slow? after they crack out of the shell completely they need soil and light to turn green....
the only thing i dont like about the Miracle grow is the time release nutes.
but my plants could not survive on that alone so i got Bloom booster and molasses.
my plants are grown in miracle grow soil and this is my first grow and i got two 3 foot plants and a plant with the girth of 32 inches.
im just trying to help a fellow first time grower instead of stalking every comment they get.


Active Member
are you slow? after they crack out of the shell completely they need soil and light to turn green....
the only thing i dont like about the Miracle grow is the time release nutes.
but my plants could not survive on that alone so i got Bloom booster and molasses.
my plants are grown in miracle grow soil and this is my first grow and i got two 3 foot plants and a plant with the girth of 32 inches.
im just trying to help a fellow first time grower instead of stalking every comment they get.
I was being sarcastic beginner


Active Member
And the best advice i can give a beginner is to not use miracle grow soil. That's my opinion from my experiences. Simple as that. So you disagree. So we can argue all day about this and whether you should top or what the best strain is. Its elementary and childish. If yoy guys are as experienced as you claim to be then you would know there's a million ways to do things. And what I see looking at this guys plant is exactly what I saw when I used mg when I started 15 years ago more than once. I switched to a better soil and never saw it again. There you have it.


Active Member
I was being sarcastic beginner
Ok you know how to use it. And you understand that your plants can survive on the nutes in the soil alone at that age. Then you add booster during flower. MY POINT EXACTLY!!! These hydro guys ive been arguing with are telling this guy to feed it more nutes. Thanks for showing up beginner. Case closed


Active Member
Ok you know how to use it. And you understand that your plants can survive on the nutes in the soil alone at that age. Then you add booster during flower. MY POINT EXACTLY!!! These hydro guys ive been arguing with are telling this guy to feed it more nutes. Thanks for showing up beginner. Case closed
im not trying to argue but im saying you can still get a good plant with miracle grow.
i would love to get fox farm but at that certain point i didn't spend any money on my grow.
i used the resources i already had but i dont mind ill be a beginner but im trying to help others with similar problems i went thru.


Active Member
Lol I just read all 16 pages of this thread for fun, and seriously cadeneli, you may be right, but you gotta stop posting pictures of your plants like you're overcompensation for something.


Active Member
A friend of a friend has the same problem with his plants. Yellowing of the bottom leaves.

This site says
Nitrogen Deficiencies
Plants will exhibit lack of vigor, slow growth and will be weak and stunted. Quality and yield will be significantly reduced. Older leaves become yellow (chlorotic) from lack of chlorophyll. Deficient plants will exhibit uniform light green to yellow on older leaves, these leaves may die and drop. Leaf margins will not curled up noticeably. Chlorosis will eventually spread throughout the plant. Stems, petioles and lower leaf surfaces may turn purple.

So I dunno. He's feeding them 2 tablespoons of GH FloraGrow at quarter strength every other day. So I would think that they would be getting enough nitrogen. Any thoughts? This is an autoflower strain and the other plants are doing fine. He transplanted them to a larger container to rule out root lock and they roots did reach the bottom of the container (a 16 oz drinking cup). It is about 3 weeks old from seed and about 2-3 inches tall with about 4 pairs of fan leaves.

Please help my friend of a friend!


New Member
for someone that is out u sure hung on for pages lol

Its time released buddy and thd plantz are young. And small. Come on man. Don't you grow hydro anyway. Go to a hydro post. This is the most common problem on any site with newbies and mg. If you listen to this dude you will bd sorry. I'm out


New Member
DUH if this is true post up some elementary documention to support this theory please

The main cola grows on the main stalk. Duh. When you top the main stalk stops, now the top of the plant is split in two, which means what? Duh again. It has to divide the good shit between the two. Duh fkr the third time. Do you see where im going with this? Duh its pretty elementary


New Member
did someone say ludacris
where is that bitch im not through with him yet as the last time we spoke he said welcome to my worst nightmare of 15+ being released on me but he got banned again before he could assemble his troll army lol

i can post anywhere i please
im done arguing with u
ur just another ludacris


this coming from someone that says deficiencies only start at the top
u were also saying the plant was burnt and that burns only happen on the bottom

dj: what u say makes sense,and it could very well be the problem
but idk
deficiencies start at the bottom because the nutrients that are turned into amino acids ect are transported from the bottom to the top where the new growth is, because that is more important that the bottom fan leaves


New Member
did someone say ludacris
where is that bitch im not through with him yet as the last time we spoke he said welcome to my worst nightmare of 15+ being released on me but he got banned again before he could assemble his troll army lol
he is back as "sir smoker"
i dont see whats funny
its true
deficiencies start at the bottom because the nutrients that are turned into amino acids ect are transported from the bottom to the top where the new growth is, because that is more important that the bottom fan leaves
not all def start at bottom
but, exlain it to these people that dont know


New Member
no he is not i got sirsmoker banned then he came back as tommy37 and another profile and i got both of those banned then he came back again and lasted like a hour before i got him banned again but im sure he is back again but so far hasnt messed with me again since that strategy didnt work for him

he is back as "sir smoker"

i dont see whats funny
its true

not all def start at bottom
but, exlain it to these people that dont know

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
i know far more about huge internet dicks than the solution to this problem

my plants are doing the same thing. they are about 3 weeks into flowering. they started out in some random soil (not mg - some other soil purchased at lowes). When i transplanted the only soil i had was mg. I thought it was nute burn from ferts or the soil, so i stopped feeding, flushed, and only have been using tap water. The problem has been going on for over a week now. The plants are growing and look extremely healthy other than the lower leaves yellowing and dying and getting rusty brown spots.

What happened with the op? Whos advice did you follow? what did you do? and how did it turn out?
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