Help ! Plant leaves curled


Well-Known Member
put those into a bigger pot so water wont dry up so fast, and get them light, they will recover with water with in a few hours
in case they dry out obvs ive had them in the window all day up until now and still they havnt perked up , what bout spraying leaves wont this stop drying ?


Well-Known Member
Dude... it's fine. It needed water most likely.
It will perk back up by this evening. If it doesn't then you might have something else going on.
Don't worry. Just keep the soil moist.
i remembered also i went in tent to turn fan to oscillate whilst they where asleep literally no more than 20 seconds and only very little light do you think this could have had an effect? thanks


Well-Known Member
found soil mix dried up this morning as you can see new leaves are curled quite bad ive watered properly , what should i do now , should i place back in grow rom or just leave on window sill , will it die also :( thanks

i think i know what to do,

blower time! and comb!

just kidding,

if you'll be misting, mist under the leaves.

and yeah water them if it's dry, try to press the soil with your finger 1 inch from the top soil if it is dry then most probably you need to water it.