Help! plant problems i have pics!


please help i have been growing for almost 8 weeks now. Its my first time and i dont know what the problem could be. Hopefully these pics could help thanks!

plants are 8 weeks
2ft tall
pics below >>>>


i dont give it nutes too often because i was afraid that giving it too much too early was the problem..but i could be holding out too. do you guys think it could be anything else?


i dont give it nutes too often because i was afraid that giving it too much too early was the problem..but i could be holding out too. do you guys think it could be anything else?
not an expert at all but im guessing, lack of sulfur or lack of iron. sometimes plants yellow out when nearing the harvesting or flowering.

give it some nutes but just a bit i'd say. if plants can live outdoors they can handle a little lack of nutes every once in a while :blsmoke:

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
There seems to be alot wrong with them. I would consider cleaning up and starting over.

It could be anything from not enough light to root aphids. Do you keep the soil moist or really let it dry out everytime?


Undercover Mod
The movement of the discoloration appears to be nitrogen def. and the plants only have minimum growth pattern and seem to be stretched out bad. Not insulting you, but if your serious about growing start over. It's pretty obvious this is your first grow. Kill your children, read some books and watch some grow videos. Invest some money in a real grow light and you'll see vast amounts of improvement. If you only want to do two small plants just get ahold of a 150 watt hps will only cost you around 80-90 bucks. I'll drop the link site if i find it.