Help!! Plant wont grow!


Active Member
This is my first time growing and I'm not having the best of luck. My plant growth was obviously stunted and i have been leaving it outside during the day because the sunlight seems to be more sufficient than the light that I was using inside. Its over two months along and its still very small and hasn't begun to bud what so ever. What can I do?




Well-Known Member
i mean they dont look real big. but they dont look real bad.
have you added any nutes? anything with nitrogen or potassium or anything?


Well-Known Member
It won't bud if you're leaving it outside. The days are too long. You need 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness if you want to see buds forming.


Active Member
I have been giving it some tomato plant food thats made up of liquid worm poop. It says it has nitrogen but not potassium. Do I need ptassium?
Updating pics soon. Thanks for the advice guys


Active Member
Im also getting small brown splotches on the leaves and I forgot to mention that the bottom leaves have been yellowing and then dying off. Is that normal? Also, it is starting to smell skunky, this is good i'm assuming should I start giving it 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark immediately or what? Thanks again



Well-Known Member
I dont know about the spots. and you dont always need nutes. some people just do it organic and the bud comes out fine. but if your new and i am. its good to use nutrients to help with the growth and things. are they outside all the time??
and you can wait as long as you want. plants start flowering in sept usually. so you can wait till then for more growth or i guess if you wanted you could bring it in after being outside for twelve hours. but i would wait for them to get bigger. its up to you tho.


Active Member
well its been inside for 98% of the time under a heat lamp and a grow light but i figured it'd be good for it to get some fresh air as well as regular sunlight. should i have a fan whle its inside for air flow?


Well-Known Member
Is it in a box or closet or something? Sometimes all you need to do is open a door a few times a day to let new air in. but a fan couldnt hurt. So are you keeping them outside during the day and bringing them in at night?


Active Member
in my room in a corner is where everything is set up, and yes out while its light and inside once it get dark.


Well-Known Member
Go to hardware get a basic 20-20-20 sort..the 2nd & 3rd can be lower you need N for veg...Don't freak about flowering now , unless you want to run around bagging plants to force them...for flowering..Sept - Nov depends on locations (if not doing all the bag thing) For flower I use a 10-30-23 sort..higher (P) I wouldn't go higher than 30 (I used 52 before but changed) I keep (K) higher than (N) & lower than (P) This is a "basic" tip...everyone has differing opinions..
Good Luck

man of steel

Active Member
u said the corner in your room, that must be the problem. in the veg stage thay must get 24 hrs of light.That must be the growth problem.