HELP!!! Plants always die :(

hi im a very novice grower using a secret jardin dark room its only very small 47x16, i am using a cfl 250 watt and an outtake fan and oscillating fan , my usual temp is around 23-25 and humidity is fine aswel as using hygrometer and keeping regular checks. i usually get to about two or three weeks and they die im actually on my 6th attempt with this setup i have tried different strains using root stims and not using them even using seed and cutting but still no luck. this is sole destroying ! as previously owned a hps setup and had amazing results but had some trouble with them pesky porkers and had to get rid :( i am sort of coming to the conclusion that the tent is just to small and environment for the plants but i have seen people on youtube with tiny stealth grows and getting results so i would really love to know where i am going wrong any help would be really appreciated thanks !
im using light mix soil to start then kilo about 4 weeks depending on size , i have had max in there 3 plants , ive used ionic grow and also tried canna start and plant magic root stim. i have been using just ordinary black pots .
ye this could be true as my previous attempt i did not feed anything apart from water , got to about two weeks two plants where doing awsome the other ok just not as bushy and tall then they start to to turn yellow so i thaught maybe ferts have run out so i fed ionic and they never picked up just shrivelled and died :(


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hi im a very novice grower using a secret jardin dark room its only very small 47x16, i am using a cfl 250 watt and an outtake fan and oscillating fan , my usual temp is around 23-25 and humidity is fine aswel as using hygrometer and keeping regular checks. i usually get to about two or three weeks and they die im actually on my 6th attempt with this setup i have tried different strains using root stims and not using them even using seed and cutting but still no luck. this is sole destroying ! as previously owned a hps setup and had amazing results but had some trouble with them pesky porkers and had to get rid :( i am sort of coming to the conclusion that the tent is just to small and environment for the plants but i have seen people on youtube with tiny stealth grows and getting results so i would really love to know where i am going wrong any help would be really appreciated thanks !
First white space is your friend. Please break up your paragraphs with some white space.

A picture not under the HPS light would get you help you could use. Otherwise we are simply guessing.

Here's what you need to post to get quality help on your grow.
(1) Give images under metal halide or incandescent (no hps).
(2) Give complete synopsis in one post telling us all the details.
(a) substrate
(b) nutrients
(c) additives
(d) age
(e) strain
(f) environment
(g) miscellaneous

Now you will have a chance of getting meaningful support because most people here would like to actually help you. Unfortunately without this info all we are doing is guessing. If you decide to use the wrong guess you may end up potless.
ok well like i say im a novice its not hps but cfl 250 watt.

nutes- im growing in light mix soil not using any feed as they are dying young.
age 1-3 weeks
strain- i have done cheese, white widow, Hawaiian snow, the white widow actully lasted the longest and did not die i had to chop :(
environment - its a tent 47x16. 1 outtake fan, 1 oscillating fan , 250 watt cfl usualy temp 23-25 oc. humidity 30 - 50 %


Well-Known Member
ye this could be true as my previous attempt i did not feed anything apart from water , got to about two weeks two plants where doing awsome the other ok just not as bushy and tall then they start to to turn yellow so i thaught maybe ferts have run out so i fed ionic and they never picked up just shrivelled and died :(
You need to supplement nitrogen in your soil... earthworm castings are good for that. You also need to invest in a electronic pH meter to make sure you have the right pH... cannabis can only absorb nutrients within the pH range of 5 - 8. You need to know what pH your medium is and what pH your water is. you want the pH to balance out around 5.5-6.5 for hydro/aero and around 6-7 for soil


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
ok well like i say im a novice its not hps but cfl 250 watt.

nutes- im growing in light mix soil not using any feed as they are dying young.
age 1-3 weeks
Ahhh OK now I know why your grows are all failing. It is not your equipment. If you follow all advice with the same attention to detail you answered my post that's your problem. So you come here ask us to help you but can't be bothered to give complete details. This type of behavior never ends well in any profession.


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Staff member
lol sounds like you outa weed by the sounds of this
Ahh honey real growers don't run out of weed. Now I'm sorry your grows are failing but please don't take my trying to help you wrong. I would like to see you succeed so you could have stuff like this in your flower room too. Here are some pics of my current girls running in my perpetual flower room. To make us all feel happy ;)


PS Those three ladies you see just starting the swelling stage of flower were seeds I popped 1/8/2013.

Keif Cheif

Like what curious said, there is not very much any of us can do but guess at this point.

I realize that you said that you are using a light mix.. which mix is it? Does it have any food amended into it already? You should even flush your soil (slightly) before planting into a new mix, so that you can get an idea of the pH and EC (PPM) of your run-off water.

It seems like you are jumping into the nutes a little quickly. Try just feeding a light compost tea, with some food in it. Not much though so that you dont lock out any preexisting nutrients.

You could also be over watering them, potentially with insufficient drainage. If this is happening, then your roots have a lack of oxygen and will essentially choke. This is usually when you would see brown slimy roots (Root Rot).

Have you checked the roots or root structure of your plants that have died on you?


Well-Known Member
Since we are all guessing.
I would have to say it is a result of bad watering habits.
Keep the soil moist until your sprout has developed a decent root ball, usually about a week to a week and a half after first sprout.
Then let the top of the soil dry, first 2 inches, this can be checked by sticking your finger in the soil. When it is dry it is ready to be watered again.
You say you grew under HPS, did you get those plants all the way to harvest?


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Staff member
ye all roots look fine no root rot i think its a bat mix maybe im sorry im not down with all this technical stuff i am only just starting
I'm a beginner too. It's why I'm trying so damn hard to get through to you. I'll try this one last time and then I'm out. Essentially if researching and reading about growing isn't enjoyable and it's a chore to remember any of this 'technical' stuff then your interests may not lie in growing and that is ok.

Look life is to short to waste time and money on things you won't do well because you are not interested. So find what you love and invest in it you will have a much happier future for yourself.