HELP!! plants dying!!


Please, i need some help. My plants have some kind of trouble and i need to know what it is in order to save them.
They are in an indoor, I have them with an HM of 100W, two fans (in and out). The temperature is usually 16 C at night and moves arround 24 C with the lights on.
The lights are on a 4/20 regime so far, the plants are auto flowering. They are 2 weeks old. The humidity outside the indoor is very high. With the lights on inside moves from 45 to 60%, but at night sometimes it goes up to 84%. Now it has a dehumidifier, so i reckon that wont be a problem anymore, but perhaps it was too late.
The earth in the pot is made of planting earth, pearls (having problems here with the translations from spanish hehe), and peat. There were some yellow and white spots in the earth inside the pots, i covered it with more earth.
I used some organic foliar fungicide two days ago, and foliar fertilizer a day ago.
I've been watering each 4 or 5 days.
There some pics. Pleas help them



Well-Known Member
check your pH as there should BE NO reason for ANY deficiency at this stage in their lives... your pH is most likely off and thats why they are struggling so badly...


Well-Known Member
and just saw that you said you used a foliar fertilizer??? on seedlings... thats a big no no... sorry to be so abrupt to you about it but please never do that again to your seedlings... that can cook them with too much nutes too soon...

just sayin... ;) good luck and enjoy the grow...
So the problem is a nutrient burn, don't use any kind of nutrients unless it's starter nutrients to start roots because it will burn them like so.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt have to use any nutrients on them till about 3-4 weeks... but now as they have been kinda cooked AND they are autos you most likely stunted them so they wont grow to their full potential... no worries though just stop foliar feeding them and feed them through the soil as that is a MUCH better and effective way to feed them... leaves dont absorb nutes in the metabolic manner that roots do and that is what roots are for and leaves are for soaking light radiation in order to process the food they take up from the roots and cause for photosynthesis... so just let them grow out till they start to flower around day 25 or so from sprouting out of the ground and not day 25 from seed... then you can hit them with some nutes...


Well-Known Member
foliar feeding is only for "supplemental" or deficiency use, as if they have a Mg or any other mineral deficiency...

hitting any plant with a "foliar" spray of fertilizer containing N, P, or K, would have a detrimental effect and burn the leaves... especially N...

just feed them through the ground where their roots are... thats what theyre for... ;)

good luck and enjoy the grow :)