Help Plants Looking Sickly


Well-Known Member
so my temps are around 80/85, humidity is between 20-45% and I have them in Fox Farm Ocean Forest with a little bit of perlite.

My plants are looking a bit sickly, they feel crispy almost dried out to the touch. I don't think I am over-watering or under-watering because I use the kick-the-bucket method of watering and they are almost always completely dried out before I water. When I do water them I mist them fairly heavy, could that cause a problem?

Also I noticed some slight yellowing on the leaves and a brown spot or two, and they also look droopy. One of the plants seems much healthier than the others but I give them all the same treatment. I have sufficient holes in the bottom of the cups so I don't think the problem is wet feet or anything.

I have not given them ANY nutrients to date, they are about 17 days old at this point, and I was going to wait until the start of week three but I could be wrong I am a complete beginner. I have been watering them with tap water that I let sit out about 24-48h before I use it. Do you think I should start feeding them? Maybe could they be rootbound already? I only see 1-3 root tips at the bottom of the cups and they are very small and not tangling around the bottom yet. Please help I'm worried

Here are some picturescghj 051.jpgcghj 052.jpgcghj 053.jpgcghj 054.jpgcghj 055.jpg


Well-Known Member
Not rootbound just moisture stressed. When plants are growing nicely you water more often with no probs so yours are needing watering more often. Also letting the pot dry out too much causes salt build up.


Well-Known Member
I have been watering them every 1 1/2 - 2 days as it is, when I do water I completely soak the soil until it starts to run off the bottom then I stop. Do you think it needs more frequent waterings then this?


Well-Known Member
Alright so I moved them ALL away from the light (400w MH). They are about 18" from the light which I KNOW cannot possibly burn them or heat stress them.

Since I have 4 plants I'm gonna do 4 different things

I flushed the shit out of one of them

Im gonna feed one oof them 1/4 strength nutes (for the first time)

One im going to water regular

Another one im going to leave completely alone because the leaves are drooping it kind of looks like over watering

Then tomorrow im going to go to buy some PH testers so I can start testing my soil/water

Ill post some more pics tomorrow hopefully I dont fuck anything up!@

The Milk

Active Member
400w MH? I would still have those little babies under my fluoro's. It would keep that temp WAY down and save you some money on electric. Mine meet the MH when they are like 7-10 inches.


Well-Known Member
Here my .02 pop'em out of the cup look at the roots I'll going with root bound and it's time to feed or better yet put them in 5 gallon pot of ffof and plain water then feed next watering in about a week. You started your seeds off in the ffof without burning them ? I germenate in sunshine mix 4 for the first 2 weeks week #1 in the cups week #2 in 1 gallon pots of the sunshine mix 4 with Sensi Grow only about 400 ppms then week #3 week I'll put in 5 gallon pots of the ffof and plain water the little plants will take a week to dry out at this time I'll fed 800 ppms of the sensi grow a and b with only about 2/3 dose of voodoo juice and b-52 included in that and they loved it! after it was in ffof this was the only veg nute feeding! The cup is holden then back I only vegged 26 days:)
What nutes are you going to use? Fox Farm's?:sad::eek::razz::D:lol::lol:
Picture 1027.jpgView attachment 2319444


Well-Known Member
The nutes I am going to use are the GO line of nutes. I checked them today and they don't seem to have gotten worse OR better. How can I test my ppm, and does anybody know a place to get a good and inexpensive PH tester for soil and water? Like Walmart?


Well-Known Member
I went with Oakton testers off of amazon, you might find them a few dollar cheaper but I trust amazon that's wroth a few dollar as for your nutes never heard ...


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I didn't really specify. I got the General Organics whole nute line, I got them because I have heard some good things and it seems alot of people use them. You can see em all here

I gave one of them 1/4th strength nutes and it didnt seem to do anything so what I did was move the plants farther away from the lights and im about to go grab some rocks and transplant them into my 5 gal buckets and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
Transplant, do NOT give any nutes to any transplanted plant for a week if you are transplanting due to nute problems. Dampen soil only. Water only the first time and then resume partial feedings.


Well-Known Member
Alright I took your advice, I transplanted them all into their final pots, 5 gal pales, got my grow tent temperate regulated to 75 degrees, added a fan and extra air circulation and gave them a nice watering after transplanting. When I was transplanting I noticed the roots were fairly heavily cured around the bottom of the cups and up the sides, it appears as if they were at least into the early stages of being root bound. Hopefully this remedied the problem. Thanks for all the advice guys!