HELP PLEASE!! Brown spots on leaves (picture)


Active Member
Okay, I kept the same soil and just added a bunch of perlite. I used about 28 quarts of perlite for 12 plants. Hope that's enough. It sure looks better.

The soil was still moist from watering yesterday... should I water tomorrow as I normally would or should I water less?



Well-Known Member
go find some gravel, either boil it or bake it st sterilize. remove plant from pot, soil and all. pot rocks in bottom of pot. POW!! drainage.
and water when an inch of soil is dry on the top and the pot feels light.


Well-Known Member
Go buy any potting soil (That doesn't have any nutrients - like Miracle grow - and carefully replant. Everting will be fine!! We'll help you newbie!!! Not a problem~


Well-Known Member
Also forget about vermiculite - they are taking it off the shelves because it is made from asbestos and can cause cancer. No paranoia here - just the facts. Look it up on Google - i was surprised myself!


Active Member
Do I still need to get new soil? I mixed perlite with what I had. Before perlite it was 50% top soil, 25% manure/humus, 25% peat moss. I added the perlite to it... now is it okay?


Active Member
FUCK, they're wilting even more now... I don't know what the problem is and I'm getting discouraged. Nothing seems to help


Well-Known Member
The only thing I can think of now is pH after a soil redo.

Please tell me you have a means of checking soil pH


Active Member
I have the pH kit for water... I didn't check the pH of the water the first couple of waters... now I've been adding pH down to bring it to about 6.8


Well-Known Member
Need to check your soil pH, and FAST.

I'm betting if drainage wasn't the problem (plus over-watering) it's your pH gone way off.


Active Member
Hate to say it but I dont think its his soil, I didnt read every single post, but it sounds like youve tried changing soil and such and still have the tiny brown spots, I saw dirt on your leaves in the first pic....and they are yellowing to a yellowy green and drooping right? sounds like spider mites to me they suck the life right out of your plant especially with an untreated infestation.... check under the leaves with a microscope (or you may be able to see them with the naked eye, i can) but on the underside of the leaves there may be tiny brown/red/white bugs and look for TINY little webs anywhere around and on the plant, if you find either of these its surely mites... Im pretty new too but I think thats what you got goin on ... let me know either way

(IF IT IS MITES) go to your local hydroshop they will have pure neem oil, the should also have safers insecticidal soap (safe for plants and animals) mix about 8ml of pure neem oil with a liter of war-hot water...then add safers soap as needed, shake and mix until MOST of the yellowy soap-neem has mixed, then immediately transfer to a srpay bottle and drench your plants (espeically the undersides) with the concoction once every three days, and spray with normal water on the leaves and underneath every day this will keep their life cycle will never rid your self of them, you can only control them....good luck and i hope this helps

(if its not them im sorry =((( )


Well-Known Member
I would suggest just scrapping the project, read, read, and then read some more. Buy Gorge Cervantes newest Grow Bible, best 25 bucks you can spend. Starting right from the beggining is the best way to avoid frustration and hang ups. Also, I would recommend using soiless mix so you can control what exactly is in the growing medium. Good luck.


Active Member
Yeah, I ordered 20 seeds a couple days ago so if these die off, fuck it. I really wanted to do hydro anyway, but these were given to me in soil. If they die I'll have room to set the seeds up in my hydro setup and get started. I always thought hydro was harder, but at this point it honestly seems easier to start from seed and grow hydro.