Help Please, Clone Yellowing and Wilting

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
I bought a rooted clone a few days ago. It was a helathly green, with some prety perky leafs and I had it about 48" away from a 400w MH in a 1 gallon pot with organic soil. The temps stayed around 80 degrees and humidity was roughly 40-50 percent. When I woke up this morning she was yellowing and starting to wilt. So I thought she may be underwatered, so I used 6.5 pH'ed water. I came back about a hour later and it was much worse! So I took her out of her pot and put her into a cup with the same soil under a humidty dome with 4' floro tubes running 24/7, the temps though are running in the high 80's ( mabye temps are my problem?) because its near my ballst for my HID. It seemed to bring some color back but not much. So any ideas that could help would be gladly appreciated!


Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
Ya I dont understand, Ive grown from seeds with no problem, but for some odd reason me and clones dont get along very well I guess! Someone please help!

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
Ive already used a 3 part flora series from GH this morning when i found them, it didnt do a thing, they leaves are still yellowing, and prudy fast!

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
Dude its clone... It has very small cluster of roots about 1in or so long. I have it in soil with plenty of nutes so i dont need to add any

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
haha man ima about to do the same! but i need to figure out whats wrong with my girl! Ive revegged plants and never had this much trouble! haha

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
i couldnt tell ya man, im a soil grower, never had luck with any hydro.... so i only check nutes about 1-2 months in, and i have nothing to test with at the moment... but im sure it has nutes, the soil has bat guano, chick manure, perlite, peat moss, fir fines, forest humus, and kelp meal