Help Please!!! What is wrong with my 1 month old clone?

Please help me!!! Why are my babies turning purple and budding already? Please help.... I want them to grow taller... They are about a month old, I use gardeners gold potting soil and fresh water. Whats going on?? :cry:



Well-Known Member
Please help me!!! Why are my babies turning purple and budding already? Please help.... I want them to grow taller... They are about a month old, I use gardeners gold potting soil and fresh water. Whats going on?? :cry:
What light schedule are they on? Did you take the clone from a flowering plant? Purple leaves usually indicate a phosphorous deficiency which usually only happens when a plant is in flower and requires more P.


Active Member
Ok here's the thing, first do you have them growing outside and if so, its not the way to grow a clone during budding season, your going to have to keep them inside under some cool temp. bulbs, florescents are the best lighting that you can use, T8 fluorescent bulbs works real good for growing clones and seedlings, make sure they dont get anymore light than those T8's and keep watering as schedule. visit your local home depot and get the fluorescent that are already wired to plug and find a little space in a closet or under a counter that you can mount the lights. and dont forget plants need air so get a small fan to produce enough air and you need to ventilate the hot air, you might want to keep reading all the forums on this site, you might find something that could help you with the construction of a closet or grow box.
I wanted to keep them outdoors if possible!!! A friend of mine suggested to top them then shine a flashlight at them at night to put them back into veg>>>> Will that work??? Should i get seeds next time for outdoors?? Im having no luck with damn clones...Hehe

Thank you


Well-Known Member
its flowering season in cali thats the prob theyre on a flowering schedule u might as well roll with it now and nute em up with flowering nutes i like bat guano/fox farm shit


Well-Known Member
How can I check the pics??? What ballast do you use?? How much am I looking to spend?? Thank you
A flourescent has a built in ballast - you can pick up a four footer at home depot for $20. If you don't want that plant to flower you need to bring it indoors and re-veg it on either a 24/0 or 18/6 light schedule - it will take awhile for it to revert back to veg.


Active Member
the first pic is the clone mother then the next is two weeks after cutting then five weeks after the next