Help please

go go kid

Well-Known Member
theres allways hope, there weeds, there sole purpose in life is to grow and flower and or fertilize, they can bounce back from anything, well allmost anything.
as southernontariogrower mentioned, fill that pot up with soil and give it some water.
what light are you useing, it needs to be closer


Well-Known Member
i'll open up the conversation but the options really come down to budget. I went LED as i was hoping to control the heat. I bought a cheap blurple, it worked but not great. I am now running SpiderFarmer it's been working great, but there are a ton of options. Hopefully one of the pro's can chime in, or check out the lighting section in the forums. good luck!


New Member
so I put it into a five gallon bucket and mixed perlite with some miracle grow potting mix . Would it just be better if I leave it outside with the sun. It gets at least 75 to 88 degrees outside.?


Well-Known Member
If outside is allowed where you live go for it! Just don’t throw it directly out in the sun, it needs to harden up to the great outdoors first