Help please

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Ok i got my house up for sale and got some plants on the go. They are just over two weeks old in veg mode. The plants looking good and smelling great.

Now i got a lil problem I'm selling my house and my plants are in my closet in my bedroom. I got someone coming tomorrow to view me house. Now im thinking just leave them in the closet but turn the lights off for 10 mins. I'm worried that turning of the lights might stress the plant and cause them to hermie. Will the plants be ok having ten mins of darkness while the person views me flat.

Can anyone give me some advice or a suitable solution. I could leave the lamps on but then they will see the light seeping through the cracks of me closet. I was thinking of getting a big cardboard box and setting up the lamps inside the box so the light wont escape.

Please can someone let me know I just want to really know if its ok to leave the plants out of the light for 10 mins i dont want my babies to hermie.

Any suggestions are welcome doesnt matter how silly u think it is.



Active Member
i would get some cardboard cut it into strips an fold in the gaps of your closet an stick it wiv some double sided sticky tape or staple it or find something else to use to do the same sort of thing thats exactly what ive done so when someone comes round they cant see the light escaping through the door but you might even be alrite cause ive heard plants dont start photosynthisin till about 3 weeks old but cant promise u that so i would go wiv the cardboard strips hope this helps

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Cheers I might well do that im thinking that if i turn the lamps to face the wall so the light is being directed at the wall not the door should be ok. And if i fill the gaps in should be alright. Im gonna put my suitcase and a few things in front of the door of my closet this way it cant be opened to.


Well-Known Member
I use black gaffer tape to seal up the cracks.
I dont think 10 mins will make a difference sometimes in nature the sun goes behind dark clouds for longer than 10 mins.
But you no that the person looking around will probably be asking all kinds of anoying questions about the flat and will probably want to stay for some tea and cake lmao !!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well don't grow while selling your house. turn your light offor put up sum black plastic to block the light. fuck it heres a easer way just act like your changeing your room around and put your mattress up against the closet door. problem solved

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
i didnt intend on selling the house i assure u just kinda happened. If they buy the house which i think is highly possible it will take 6 to 8 weeks before we complete. I'm hoping that my babies will be done before i move to my new house. If they not ready then will have to drive them to the new place will be a bit of a pain.

I just thought of an idea i got a fluro in my garage a big strip one ,now i could move them to the garage until they have gone and leave the light on as it wil be daytime no one will see the light from me garage. Then i can move them back in the house once they gone. The only thing is that i will have to put them in a black bin bags for a couple of mins when moving them.


ty all for the ideas

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
"Oh thats a nice garage sir, do you mind if we have a look in there?" lmfao
The garage aint attached to the house so they wont see it and its so full of junk it would be a health and safety hazzard them going in there. If i put the plants in there they wouldnt get to see them.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks into veg? Throw them away now and cut your losses. It's a shame you cannot think two weeks ahead, let me help. Home inspection, bank appraiser, fire alarm inspection, three times viewing for dad mom and cousin of the buyer. I believe you would have been happier pushing a pencil through your ear-lobe than seeing your "babies" to fruition. Go plant then in the backyard of where you are moving to.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
2 weeks into veg? Throw them away now and cut your losses. It's a shame you cannot think two weeks ahead, let me help. Home inspection, bank appraiser, fire alarm inspection, three times viewing for dad mom and cousin of the buyer. I believe you would have been happier pushing a pencil through your ear-lobe than seeing your "babies" to fruition. Go plant then in the backyard of where you are moving to.
I aint throwin them away will just move them out of sight in the garage probably. I cant plant them outdoors the weather is shit here. Throwing them away will be the last resort i dont want to be delayed and start back again. I checked and they been veggin for just under a month. I'm not gonna ever be able to get the herrer white rhino cross that im growing. No way thats getting thrown out im gonna be smoking that shit in 3 months.


Evil Buddies

Ganja King
I've sorted my babies there in my closet with lights on. No light can be seen through the cupboard and its blocked up so no one can take a look in there. I'm gonna leave it another couple of weeks until i start them on 12/12 will be 6 weeks of veg by that time. Times been going really fast and will have some dank buds for my bday.

Still got 4 hrs till they come so im gonna roll a kush spliff and chill.



I would not worry about the hermie thing your not going to stress them by killing the lights for a little bit. I have had my power go out with no problems ya know. But growing with a house on the market come like everyone eles said not a good idea.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
cheers guys and yeah i hope it goes well to, i got some white rhino x jack herrer, Papaya, Skunk Haze and a Skunk Haze x ata tundra that i bred myself. Out of all the strains the white rhino has the most potent smell. I think this is gonna be the best out of the lot, looking forward on the haze tundra cross i done as its my own bred strain.


Evil Buddies

Ganja King
yeah the white rhino is one of my favs excellent taste and hard hitting high I used to smoke that a lot. I smoked some of the Jack Herrer x Rhino and it was real good herrer dominant taste with a bit of the rhino creeping through. That was some real good stuff hope mine turns out like what i smoked.
