Help !!! please !!!


Active Member
hi all 1st of all a few details : (my nft 1metre square tray) ec 1.2 (12cf) ph5.9. with 9 plants in the tray.

i have just turned to flower. however my first problem is that the plant in the middles leaves began 2 go yellow and now the rest have also began to go yellow also some with yellow rust spots. could this mean the cf needs raising ? i have also pruned the plants which i am now regreting as it seems to have stunted them alot:cry:.the reason for pruning was to get light through to the fowering tops should i have done this ? the plants are about 2 and a half foot tall and are looking rather ill 2 be honest. cant believe it rely was looking forward to my 1st hydro.:confused:

secondly i am also doing a few coco pots does it matter if i water them from the tops and never from the bottom ?

hoping for some good responses im a virgin to nft !

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
Rust spots could be a number of different things dude, I haven't a clue about NFT myself though, you may be waiting a while for an answer here too.. Post another thread in the Hydro section with a few pics and I'm sure someone will be able to help ya! ;)


Active Member
yellow is usaully a nut. defic., i always us coco, and i always water from the top. how over board did you go with trimming? you shouldn't see any growth stunts when trimming.


Active Member
hi all 1st of all a few details : (my nft 1metre square tray) ec 1.2 (12cf) ph5.9. with 9 plants in the tray.

i have just turned to flower. however my first problem is that the plant in the middles leaves began 2 go yellow and now the rest have also began to go yellow also some with yellow rust spots. could this mean the cf needs raising ? i have also pruned the plants which i am now regreting as it seems to have stunted them alot:cry:.the reason for pruning was to get light through to the fowering tops should i have done this ? the plants are about 2 and a half foot tall and are looking rather ill 2 be honest. cant believe it rely was looking forward to my 1st hydro.:confused:

secondly i am also doing a few coco pots does it matter if i water them from the tops and never from the bottom ?

hoping for some good responses im a virgin to nft !
Hi, Yellowing plant leaves...I suspect over watering with your plant 1st. So what's up? How often do you wet the roots?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
well I guess it depends on what your idea of a prune is. If you just topped them once right before flowering you should be fine many growers do this. If you have many different strains growing in there some might not do as well with the same nutrient levels or something. If your problem is localized or your growing clonesmI would assume that possibly the plants aren't getting recieving equal amounts of nutrients I'm not familiar with NFT other than it's the most challenging hydro setup. I don't think the light would have anything to do with spots unless theres excessive heat in the middle.
well I guess it depends on what your idea of a prune is. If you just topped them once right before flowering you should be fine many growers do this. If you have many different strains growing in there some might not do as well with the same nutrient levels or something. If your problem is localized or your growing clonesmI would assume that possibly the plants aren't getting recieving equal amounts of nutrients I'm not familiar with NFT other than it's the most challenging hydro setup. I don't think the light would have anything to do with spots unless theres excessive heat in the middle.
Could be a number of deficiencies. There's an awesome article on nutrient deficiencies with pics in the plant problems section.