HELP. please.


Active Member
All right ive been doin alot of research and have just bought some white widow seeds that im preparing to grow. ive never grown before so im looking for alot of insight.

* the vegital is the growing phase ? during this time the plant will only grow not bud ? and how long should i let it grow ? and with how much light WHILE its growing ?

* after i DO let it stop growing and get it ready for flowering, how much light should i take it down to ? and for how long should i let it flower ? 8 - 10 weeks ?

so if i get this straight, as long as i keep lamps on for more than 12 hours a day, it will continue to just GROW, so ultimately the longer i keep it in the vegital phase the more weed i can produce ?. or is there a distinguished cut-off time that i should start the flowering phase ?

and whats the best way to plant ? multiple seeds in one area, like one pot, or one seed in different pots ?


Well-Known Member
Dude, dont come here asking those types of questions. Thats like asking someone to help you with homework, then having them write it all down. You just asked how to grow a plant from start to finish. You need to do a little research yourself. Come on man. Go figure out how much light you need and the very very VERY basics then come back here if you need help. As for the plant/pot ratio almost eveyrone is going to tell you one per pot. I would agree with them in most cases, but check out those are 2-3 per 3 or 5 gal pot and you see the results :) So decide for yourself. You seem like you just found out plants take water and light to grow so im not so sure you know to get rid of males or any of the essential things so i wouldnt suggest putting more than 1 per pot. You really really need to read a little before you start.


Well-Known Member
Dude, dont come here asking those types of questions. Thats like asking someone to help you with homework, then having them write it all down. You just asked how to grow a plant from start to finish. You need to do a little research yourself. Come on man. Go figure out how much light you need and the very very VERY basics then come back here if you need help. As for the plant/pot ratio almost eveyrone is going to tell you one per pot. I would agree with them in most cases, but check out those are 2-3 per 3 or 5 gal pot and you see the results :) So decide for yourself. You seem like you just found out plants take water and light to grow so im not so sure you know to get rid of males or any of the essential things so i wouldnt suggest putting more than 1 per pot. You really really need to read a little before you start.
Don't listen to fatal he grows several plants in the same pot :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I dont know if thats an insult or a compliment. So im gonna take the latter of the two. Why thank you! Yes, i am growing "the pot". Is that what you zainy kids are calling it nowadays? And shamegame i just looked at your plants. Dude, you have NO room at all to be talking bad about my grow...i hope yours do better though :) Not everyone does this well their first time. I put hours and days and weeks into reading, studying, asking questions. Plus ive been around people that grow since i was young. I put the time and effort into and im being rewarded greatly :) Dont worry bro, im sure yours will get better. I hope they do anyways. I dont know what its like to have plants that die or look bad (knock on wood) but im sure its depressing. Dont give up, just keep trying man and im sure youll get some killer stuff. are on day 4 of 12/12 today. Hopefully some will be showing, they looked like they were on the verge of showing some pistils yesterday! Ill keep my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
lol its fun watching you two go at it :mrgreen: lol

keep it up i think that ill go pack a bowl and keep readin it haha:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Woops, that did come off as kinda passive aggressive huh? I didnt mean for it to sound like that. All i was trying to say was he cant really talk about mine when his look that way and i was being serious when i said i hope it gets better. I havent had any problems yet so i dont know what its like, im sure its discouraging though. Thats why i said keep trying. Sorry about sounding like a dick, i was only try to help you with your plants :?


Active Member
yeah fatal u do sound like a DICK. and from the looks of it you dont run SH*T on these forums so ill ask whatever, WHENEVER the f*ck i want.

and your right dude i was wanting insight from start to finish, and you dont have a clue how much ive read or researched so shut your cock holster u passive aggressive prick.

anyone ELSE have anything to say besides that douche ? i wanna do this right, and hear from someone with personal experience.


Well-Known Member
let the flaming begin!!

Edit: i think its pretty cute how you censor some letters of s*me wor*s and not oth*rs. Th*ts pre**y co**! If you have read and researched you wouldnt be asking how to grow from start to finish dude. And didnt you read where i apologized for saying that? Do you understand how apologies work? No you dont have to accept them, but learn to identify them. Im sorry if my original apology didnt pacify you. But rest assured, you wont get any help acting like that. I guess i dont have enough "personal experience" for you. Man, i acted just like you, not as childish or mean, and i learned thats not how you get help around here.


Well-Known Member
oh my God. no need to discipline each other on asking too many question. just hit the back button and continue reading something more entertaining to you. on the same note, there is tons of information here and it is all pretty simple to follow. just look at the forums and pick and choose what you will use based on your money situation, space and how much or what kind of yield you are looking for. get a piece of paper and write down your ideas for your rig and edit it as you go along. everythin changes once you start getting down to the final setup so dont be afraid to change your mind. and dont get distracted by unhelpful people.


Active Member
yeah down......smoke a bowl......although i do think the forum maker should post in the newbie forums or goodle the questions.......


Well-Known Member
f4t4l... i do appreciate all the help you try to give.. really i do.

but seriously... you act like your shit dont stink bro... you post a link to your plants like there gods gift... theyre no better than anything ive ever seen.. in real life, or on the net. i admit, they look healthy. but you say you never had a problem. i dont feel like looking for the thread. but you started pissing my off when you did post for help because your plants looked sick.... and shit on everyone who tried to help stating that you know its not the problem. if you know so much then dont ask for anything... and stop shitting on everyone.


Well-Known Member
Like my man up there dais everyone just needs to start bein cooooool

so lets all just pacckkk it uppp and smoke till we chokeee :)

and to the guy that made this thread broooo..

this is all i did ...and im sure since you said that u researched everything and read it you shud kno it ur just dbl checking i suppose none the less...

1.Get paper towel DAMP(no soaking the towel!)
2.Put ur seeds on their give a lil love spray of water :)
3.Fold paper towel Spray again
4.put the towel in a zip lock bag(to keep all the moisture in)
5.Put the bag in a dark place for 1-3days.

Once they have germinated....
1.Make hole in ur soil 1/4-1/2 deep place tap root down.
2.Gently cover the soil-spray with water 1-2 times a day

In a bout 1-2 days they should be showin some signs of life(i.e.seed poppin up)
let it growww water when needed...

then after bout i tihnk they say 2-4 weeks then the plants enter veg state i beleive... so lighting and the types of lights u sue are vital... but everyone ont his sight used CFL or HPS or HID .. LED's are garbage...i personallly... if u dont and arent planning on growing alot of plants use CFL .. cheaper... (my dad has 2 1000w hps and 2 1000w HID lights and he said that cfl grows are perfectly ok... lots of ppl will disagree with me im sure but my dads been growin since he was in HS and hes like 56now)

Let Veg for however long u want .. the logner u let veg the more u SHUD get off the plant.. then once u wanna bud go stricly 12/12 (some ppl say ABSOLUTLY NO LIGHT .. but during october in nature .. the moon is very bright and lighting .. so i belive u just can expose to them to strong intense light while flowering .. but do want u want..)

i do belive most ppl let flower for 6-8weeks i belive or is it 8-12? . lol .. or whenever u get to impatient :) .. wellllp yea .. bye