Help please!!!


Active Member
This is what she looks like right now even 2 hours since I misted her... I allready flushed all old nutrients in the soil (MG), removed 60% of old soil (MG) and added fresh soil (MG) to it...
What should I do, switch soils quickly... Or no more nutrients just plain water (24 hours sitting out before used)...? No misting anymore...?


Well-Known Member
It isn't MG soil doing that. It looks like you are over fertilizing. Leave them alone for a few days, especially if you just flushed and added new soil.


Well-Known Member
Wow, those aren't looking very good, not at I agree, looks like overfert. Better listen to him^, and let them go for a few days, and hope for the best. Personally, I think you should consider starting some more seeds, 'cause those things look rough, to say the Even if they pull through, that's a huge amount of stress they've endured, and could cause hermies.


Active Member
Its just so dry tho... I dont wana lose her!
What about my 2 Clone I took from her do they have potential and if so how do I ensure there survival...?

I have a 26W Power Saving Florescent Normal Light for my Clones, I have taken 2 Clones from her, each were cut at a 45 degree, cut off excess leaves and lower stems, scrapped the end of the cutting, then used Green Light Rooting Hormone Powder and put into a soil mix medium... They are using the 26W Power Saving Florescent Normal Light and have a Humidity Dome over them... My Clones are only 3 days old now and should root it 10-15 days so I have been told... I hope they take root and I have great healthy Clones to carry on the legacy of there donor...
3 Days Clone 1 :leaf:
3 Days Clone 2 :leaf:


Active Member
How many days should I go exactly, I dont wana stress her out anymore than she is......?

And should I just throw out the Miracle Grow and get a different medium...?
Give opinions please, I wana have a healthy and stable grow...