Help please!!



i thought it might be nitrogen deficiency, got some miracle gro 24-8-16
hope this fixes my problem, if anyone has input, it would be much appreciated


yes they were drooping.... i also filled the pot up with a bit more soil,
and as for my ph, no clue, i do not have a tester, i have ordered one online, waiting for it to arrive...
if it is a ph problem, would some dolomite lime help??
also to test my ph once i have the tester, what is the best way to do it??? it is going to be one of those pen testers
ph600 or somthing


Well-Known Member
No, don't add any lime! That's a problem with high PH, and it'll only make it worse. I'm guessing you added lime to the soil when you started? If you add too much, that can happen. Those twisted leaves, are a good sign that your PH is too high.

Also, the MG was a bad idea. Be prepared for fert burn, because they didn't need fed. How strong did you mix it? I'd flush it,(with PH 6.5) reguardless, and bring the PH down.