Help please!

Me and my friends plant is a week and a half old and my friend was asleep for two days and of the 6 leaves four are completely brown. Any ideas on what happened or how to fix it? PLEASE!


Active Member
First off...l want a sample of whatever the hell your friend was smokin that made his ass pass out for 2 days....

Second, not enough info to tell. Can you post pics, as well as what soil you're using and a list of environmental conditions?
Haha same here man, ill try but i gotta get a camera first. And its an indoor plant in a temporary grow-area, a shoe-box lined with mylan or mylar whatever that is, its in some Scotts soil and gets watered normally once a day btw great pic

Pat Man

Active Member
you shouldn't water everyday my young friend. Get her into a better environment as soon as possible as well. If the leaves die just pyll them off and new ones will grow but dont be too concerned on how sick it looks as of now you can nurse it