And what's the best temp its sitting around 28.4
I can't help much on the calmag, but the shop guys advice sounds ok... If they aren't recovering it may be that your medium has too high ph already, maybe test some runoff? Maybe consider a flush with some good ph'ed water? I would use 2-3 times the pot volume if things look bad, I toss them in the shower and let them run down the drain. At the end pull it out and grab some runoff and check it. PH lockout can be tough, it will stop your girls from eating...How much cal mag to a litre of water man in the shop said 1/2 ml to a litre I've been putting the half a ml in to a litre but would it help putting a it more I've bought a ph tester and up and down plants are looking better but still not growing much any ideas cheers
I'm in Fahrenheit country lol, but seems like I see guys saying around 24c is good?And what's the best temp its sitting around 28.4
I've had very bad experiences with watering on a schedule, that's just not how they drink. I've learned how much each pot can hold now, and water just short of runoff ( ie: a 5gal pot when pretty dry will take a gallon of water very nicely). Lately I've started filling the runoff tray twice each feeding, to let it suck up some water from the bottom (flood & drain style). I find if you don't water to the point of runoff you risk drying out the very lowest roots, so this helps even out the distribution. Clearly not my tech, I took it from Mr. Tight on YouTube lol, but I like the system atm. The Easiest watering method to me is just water to the point of runoff, then lift it and make a mental note of the weight, and keep lifting it daily til it feels very light. If it seems light, but I'm not sure, I'll wait a day. I find a lot more risk in over watering than under.And wits the best water method water everyday or every other