Oh it hurts enough trust me, this isn't good. And I realize it could've been much worse
long time trouble maker ....many cases along with many friends and family in own cases
1 u need to call a lawyer now ........they need to be hired (u are going to get charge with leaving the site of the wreck)1500-3500 cash
2 time is very very very important .....sooner u contact lawyer soon the lawyer can contact them and u go in (for a talk the charging is up to DA then it is just simple shit )
3 .......the story is always Keep It Simple Stupid (kiss)
3a deer or some other animal came out and made u cut the wheel ending up like that......head knocked u for a loop did not even think about it told story to buddy they said get a lawyer
3b u were cheating on your wife/gf (getting head in the car ) caused the wreck u guys freaked out got out of there .....the gal is already out of town wife does not need to know hence the lawyer with the friend thing
3c u have been out of town for the last 3 days with buddies on a hunting/fishing/poker thing ....did not know the car was gone what happen (know this is the hardest to pull off your cellphone is a snitch u might throw it away but the records of what towers u were hitting are still there
4 at all times u must stick to what u tell your lawyer .......if u pick to go with a complex lie to lessen the results be ready to have to stick to it .......lawyers can not knowingly put up false info to the court it will get their ticket yanked
this is small depends on where u are on how much trouble u are in
but get a fricken lawyer now and maybe have 5000 cash for a bail bond if election year (if more put it on a card)
your not looking at a felony but they got u on misdemeanor u are getting probation and something small like 100 200 hours of CS .....depending on the judge maybe AA or NA ordered too