Help plz??(pics included)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys what's up, this is my first grow and here is some pics I have questions about.. First one has so much growth that it's hard to see the actual bud, is this normal? The other pics look possibly hermie to me, what u guys think? And the last one looks good to me witch makes me think why does some look good and others look horrible? All taken care of the same..thanks for your time.. Also I posted some pics yesterday but I'm tripping out about all this and just looking for some more answers.. I really appreciate all your help!!



Well-Known Member
4th pick looks normal to me. others look thin and more immature. i cant tell if those are thin buds with really swollen calyxes or bananas. if you see little balls that look like a small bunch of bananas or little flowers its a hermie. if you see white hairs coming out of all calyxes your a girl. it kind of looks like a bud thats been pollinated. might be some immature seeds in those clusters.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree with the previous poster ^^^^ :hump: Number 4 looks just fine. The others are early into flowering and aren't even really "buds" yet, just clumps of flowers. Give em 2 or 3 more weeks and the growth will be totally focused on swelling up those buds :weed:

Good Luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
4th pick looks normal to me. others look thin and more immature. i cant tell if those are thin buds with really swollen calyxes or bananas. if you see little balls that look like a small bunch of bananas or little flowers its a hermie. if you see white hairs coming out of all calyxes your a girl. it kind of looks like a bud thats been pollinated. might be some immature seeds in those clusters.
Thanks for reply.. If it's a hermie then how long would I have before it would start pollinating? I mean if it takes me another week to no for sure would that be to late? What about first pic? It has all that leaf growth covering the bud, is that normal?
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