help plz


i put some sprouted seeds into some FFOF soil and been watering when needed under a 600w MH about 3 feet away no nutes yet temp about mid 80s and it been a week and nothing is poping out yet does that mean its already fail or do i need to give it more time. plz help


Active Member
would have soaked them first and waited until they had sprouted first, give it a few more days then id be tempted to carefully dig down and have a look if nothing is showing, although a week seems ok , give them a bit longer!


Well-Known Member
would have soaked them first and waited until they had sprouted first, give it a few more days then id be tempted to carefully dig down and have a look if nothing is showing, although a week seems ok , give them a bit longer!
i think he did sprout them first.

op-How deep did you put them?


Active Member
ah read it wrong:( oops;) really i would be expecting them to be popping up by now, id be doing some carefull digging:) every day is a lost day if there is nothing happening, new seeds could be sprouting already!


Active Member
1" is a little deep scrape .05 off at a time util you see something .05 is barly more than the thickness of a matchbook cover just the cover


Well-Known Member
an inch deep isn't that bad...
but if a week after sprouting they didn't surface they are 99% dead.

anyway, never dig out seeds that sprouted, you'll just kill them by breaking their roots.