HELP plz


Active Member
ok so im in mex, Im currently bulding a green house made of the same material that U.S growers use for example like the tomato greenhouses measuring 14meter x 20meters . its a big space, and money is not a problem. ive done indoor growing in the bay area. i have experience in growing but my question is , i need clones, clones that are obiously not available here where im at. how would i produce clones, (at least 1000) in a commercial way. i dont want a lesson on if its illegal i know all the risk, so plz avoid the lecturing. any help would be great. on how you would have a a greenhouse setup if money werent an option. thanks! :leaf


Active Member
First of all, you dont need to tell us not to lecture you on marijuana. Grow hard or go home brother :blsmoke:
Manufacturing 1000 clones will take a lot of effort. One female plant will net you around 30-50 clones depending on the size.
So doing some quick calculatoring, you'll want about 35 female plants to take clones off of.
Now, if you want 1000 PLANTS to harvest in the end, expect that 1 out of 10 clones will die. So you'll want 1100 clones all up.
Up that to 40 female plants, then harvest your clones.
A greenhouse for 1000 plants will have to be pretty huge. 14x20m seems a bit squished but I may be wrong.
The hot mexico sun, I'm not sure why you dont just go all naturale and grow outside in the ground!


Active Member
If ur going that big and have to ask around here for advice are you sure u can handle 1000 clones thats alot of man power. sorry i didnt mean to lecture im sure u have the skill but still lol i think u might need help unless u plan to live in greenhouse? lol anyway I would love to see this project take off best of luck man


Active Member
First of all, you dont need to tell us not to lecture you on marijuana. Grow hard or go home brother :blsmoke:
Manufacturing 1000 clones will take a lot of effort. One female plant will net you around 30-50 clones depending on the size.
So doing some quick calculatoring, you'll want about 35 female plants to take clones off of.
Now, if you want 1000 PLANTS to harvest in the end, expect that 1 out of 10 clones will die. So you'll want 1100 clones all up.
Up that to 40 female plants, then harvest your clones.
A greenhouse for 1000 plants will have to be pretty huge. 14x20m seems a bit squished but I may be wrong.
The hot mexico sun, I'm not sure why you dont just go all naturale and grow outside in the ground!
xMaYHeM thumbs up on the info, thats basically my main concern on how many mother plants i need. i didnt mean lecturing me on the marijuana issue, i was refering more on the legality part. but thanks by the way bro!


Active Member
If ur going that big and have to ask around here for advice are you sure u can handle 1000 clones thats alot of man power. sorry i didnt mean to lecture im sure u have the skill but still lol i think u might need help unless u plan to live in greenhouse? lol anyway I would love to see this project take off best of luck man
of course imma need help, just imagine catering to 40 mother plants, and the 1000+ clones, but im pretty sure a team of 4 can do the job , ive done grows but of mexican sin semilla schwag. wich is a bitch cause when u plant u have to get rid of the males, just imagine lookin @ one acre of plants and have to get rid of the males its a tedious daunting task but nonetheless it gets done.. basically what i want is to avoid that.. the removal of males by planting nothing but females.