Help! possible deficiency, photos


-Hydro Grows-

experience level (first timer, novice, experienced...) -- First grow

What type of hydro set-up i am running -- Coco, drain to waste

A) Type and wattage of lights. (MH, HPS, CFL's, tube fluorescents, LED's) -- 2 600w hps During veg
B) Distance from tops?. -- Roughly 35 cm
C) Reflector type? (cool tube set-up, bat wing, enclosed reflector, bare bulb...) -- Bat wing
D) Is there a consistent fresh air supply? -- Yes
E) Do you have an exhaust fan and a circulation fan? -- Yes
F) Size of reservoir? -- 60 Litres

nutrients and water:
G) Source of water. (tap or filtered) -- Tap
H) Specific brand and N-P-K ratio for each bottle. List dosages (quantity per gallon) and current feeding schedule. -- Can't remember exact dosage off the top of my head but it's a little less as per directions on the bottle to cater for EC, Nutes are House & Garden A&b, Canna rhizotonic , Cannazym , Gro-tek pro silicate, Cyco B1 boost and Cobra
I) What is the ec/ppm of your unadjusted tap (or filtered) water? -- 0.2
J) What is the ec/ppm of your nutrient solution? -- 1.8 in res and 1.4 from run off
K) What is the temperature of your nutrient solution? (high and low temps) -- Constant 20 Degrees Celcius
L) Does your ec/ppm show a rise or fall when you do your daily PPM check? -- No
M) Does the ph fluctuate? -- Yes upwards from 5.6 - 6.1 over a week
N) Do you foliar feed? If so, with what, how often, and at what time do you
spray? (Just after lights come on, just before they go out...) -- No

O) What size of closet, room or hut? -- 2.8m long, 1.8m wide and 2m height
P) What are the temps and humidity levels while lights are on? ...With lights off? -- Lights on 27C with 45% humidity, Lights off 17C with 75% humidty
Q) Have you seen any bugs in your growroom -- No

R) What strain are you growing? (Indica dominate or Sativa dom?) -- indica dominate
S) From seeds or clones? -- Clones

Hi, i think i am having a deficiency with my two plants, During veg growth some of the lower leaves show yellow spots and some brown spots and it's starting to creep up to the top leaves.

Also the leaves have been twisting and canoeing, especially around the smaller bud sites to the point where on one single leaf of a fan leaf will completely twist upside down.

Any ideas?

Pictures attached




Well-Known Member
Do you really want some one to answer all the questions before the question you ask or are those just for you?

It looks like Iron or Mg you need



i was just asking for some help buddy, thats all! anything even a point in a direction would be nice. I was just trying to give all the info of whats going wrong.


Room temps hover around 27C lights on and around 17C lights off, res is constant 20C.

And cheers thanks for the link mate.


Those questions at the start were for me to answer, which i have so you get the general idea of the set up