Help posting


Hey everybody, just signed up for rollitup but have been a creeper for a while. Reading for 3 years, finally moved to Colorado for some good ole growing! I would like to post a grow journal of my personal grow, not the commercial one I grow for. But it wont let me post, just tells me an error. Is there a minimum post limit or something? thanks ! =)

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
well sharknugs welcome to the club ,not sure if there are any requirement for your journal but someone will come along and help you out,anyway welcome i think you will enjoy it here


Well-Known Member
Reading for 3 years, finally moved to Colorado for some good ole growing! I would like to post a grow journal of my personal grow.
Good for you, that's sweet!
I think you are limited to what you can do on the forum until you gain more 'points'. You need to post, and have your posts liked by others before you can send PMs and start a journal, not sure what else.(Begging or asking for likes is punishable so don't do that) Enjoy, hope you stick around for a while, you can get a very well rounded understanding of horticulture here.


Ok thanks, clearly didnt get around to it on the last one but figured I would use this as my grow journal this time instead of paper. Just a one plant balcony grow.