Help!!! question about ppm


Active Member
I'm a newbie my plants are 4 1/2 weeks old and i like to know when i put the nutes in the water and check it with my meter it says 1000 ppm and 3 days later its say 1200ppm 5 days later 1700 ppm .Can you tell me why? and how do i fix it


Active Member
How are you growing your plants? If the water is in some sort of reservoir and being recycled after each watering, it may be because the plants absorb some water each time so the water level drops at a much faster rate than the nutrient level.. Just add some water at a week or so (bring the water level in your reservoir back up to where it was when you first filled it) and then empty and put all new water and nutrients every two weeks.


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem u have at first, went with full strenght tright away & it looked like the plants wernt absorbing any nuts because its way to strong & your just loosing water from vap or something.. ( nut lockout) u need to drain your rezivor & go with 1/4 ( quarter ) strenght that should put your ppm around 300-440ppm do that 4 a about week & a 1/2 should put u back on track. & you will notice your ppm wont do that anymore. also if your res is huge dont fill it all the way if u dont need 2. i have a 50 gal res but only use 10 gal when we feed so i keep 20 gal in at a time. save some nuts that way. hope it helps .