HELP! quick plz leaves browning +rep


Active Member
my leaves were turning brown sortave brozinish yesterday not like a paperly material. I was told on here to trim them off but now i just see more leaves that wern't trimmed or even alrdy trimmed getting the same ffect.

they are about 30+(not sure a recure plant) days old

using a good soil, with organics in soil, havent added any fertlizer just sum superthrive.

please help, it gets worse every hr.

i moved them into shade were only little slivers of light get thru crack in fence

P.S. this outdoor grow, but any help from a indoor grower will be fine


Well-Known Member
It could be that they want a feed mate. Even outdoors you need to give them food eventually as they will use the nutrients up in the soil. Pics would help with diagnoses.
I would have thought they would want full light, they should be mature enough, I would get them out of the shade, ive heard it before and will again, you cant have to much light.
I am an indoor grower but principles are the same.


Active Member
i just watered with miracle gro 24-6-16 plant food water souluable...
moved bak to sunlight

will it be ok i poured a good amount of fertlizer in even though i watered 4 hours ago? drys rather quick anyways bein 100+ degrees.
i only put 1/2 a teaspoon into 2 liter of water told me to use a whole table spoon for outdoor plants?


Well-Known Member
Ive heard its great stuff but never used it so dont know when its to be used, I grow hydro.
If its that small and in good soil, I doubt its nut def then. But it wont hurt to use some feed, just start with a very diluted mix first.
As for your problem, think you need to get some pics mate, speaks a thousand words and all that.
You say you trimmed a lot, hope your not trimming off green leaves. I would never cut off any leaves unless they are more than 50% dead. If you cut off to much at once it will go into shock, i wouldn't cut more than 20% of at once, if you have to cut it.


Active Member
well i just cut off any leaf strait cuz i didnt wana trim edges, sum i cut almost down to the end cuz was yellow or brown

sum fuking dupsh1t told me to cut off anything not green so i did


Well-Known Member
Should be fine with the watering as long as there is good drainage. You will know if it over watered at the leaves will droop.

100 degrees, Ouch thats hot, but not a lot you can do outdoors. Maybe try adding some liquid silicon to your feed, helps protect against stress, not like you can put an AC on it to stop heat stress.

From what ive read on people using MG food, start at 1/4 recommended dose


Active Member
well i used alot less :)

i already got nute burn before

i o no says their peat moss in my soil water sits on top for mabe 1 to 2 seconds thats it....

i often u think i shud wateR? i can still see them browning everytime i go outside to check on em?

my leaves droop like every night or so.

No camera on phone, i got sh1tty lil nokia..... i o no who would have a camera etheir...(i dont rly have alot of money to spend).


Well-Known Member
Leaves drooping at night is normal, as long as they are not drooping in full light.
I can only think its heat, can you bring it indoors on a windowsill where you can control the temps a bit ? maybe get a fan on it ?
How often you water depends, but if its that hot your soil is prob drying out real quick and watering daily may be necesary, you need to see how the plants react to your watering schedule., remember over watering and under watering look the same, droopy leaves in the light.

Man I hope you save her, good luck.


Well-Known Member
It wont hurt, superthrive is good for the roots and silicon is great for the cell structure, making the plant more resilient to stress. Wont stop the cause of the stress but will handle it better.