
I cant tell from your pictures either but am fighting root aphids currently and your problems sound spot on to mine. I only see flyers from one strain and later in flower. Put yellow sticky traps on top of your soil and come back the next day and collect them all and see what you have. I also never see anything on my plants stems, leaves or flying in the air but after two harvests with stunted plants I kept digging and no environmental or nutritional problems were found. The other day I found bugs on the roots on some clones and BAM problem found. Once I put sticky traps on all my plants it was obvious what I had going on. Its root aphids. Not normal plant dwelling aphids. These fuckers stay in the soil and only fly when they have a need for survival. Otherwise they dont even form wings. They dont seem to be spreading crazy fast and have only affected the growth of 1 out of 6 plants 2 grows in a row of 1 strain. Sorry for rambling on... so far I have lowered my rh to 40 and added Hot Shot strips, yellow sticky traps and SNS 203 soil drench. Tomorrow I will replace all my traps and see what happens. Then in like 4 days I plan to soil drench with a different product. And then replace my traps. Wait a few days and soil drench with another new product. Thinking Nuke Em and then Purecrop1 for the final and weekly from then on out as preventative. Heres some pictures. Promix HP, Advanced Nutrients, Fluence LED. The last two plant pictures are the same strain. One affected and the other not.

