HELP Seedling Bent over in Rockwool


Active Member
Hi Guys

I have never seen this before and im not sure if i leave it , it will correct itself.

I have a seedling in rockwool about 3 days now i checked it this morning and gently stretched the rockwool to see if it had popped , it has indeed and began to grow to the surface , however it looks like its doubled on itself and started to grow down the way , almost like it could not breach the surface , see pics , slightly grainy sorry camera sucks i still have it in the dark room nice temp etc , never had a problem before all my seedlings usually pop through fine and straight up , should i leave this alone in the daark for another day or 2 , or should i now transfer this to light and let the lumens sort it and straighten it up




Hi Dtp

Should i now commence 18/6 ie veg cycle
ensuring it does not get singed by the light etc its a 125 Watt Envirolite

or leave it in the dark for another day or 2

If your putting it in soil i would do so put the seedling in about 1/4 to 1/2 inch down leave light on 24 till it breaks surface and keep the light as close as possible.


Active Member
Do NOT help it get straight, you'll just kill it.

She'll turn around when exposed to light, the crook is natural for seeds when they are piercing through soil, it's to protect the cotyledon. Light will cause it to start straightening up and turn green.


Active Member
Thanks Guys , its going under the light shortly till it straightens up then ill bang it in the dwc chamber i have built there is already the a root coming through the bottom of the cube , its time to fire up the pc Grow Room , Engage !


Well-Known Member
yeah i had some and i just gave up trying to straighten them out but eventually it seems they are working it out, i may have to add more hydroton later