Help seedlings don’t seem to be making any progress .


Well-Known Member
Ok I topped my last one. Here it is at 27 days topped at 4th node and light defol. In 3 weeks they can get big is all I’m saying. They made need nutrients.

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Well-Known Member

Here’s another thread on it right now.


I’ve dipped one plant in ph balanced water and one plant in water with nutes . Will let you know which one responds better in the next 24hours


Well-Known Member
I’ve dipped one plant in ph balanced water and one plant in water with nutes . Will let you know which one responds better in the next 24hours
This is how shit gets done. Now you will know what is best for your environment. Nice job :clap:

keep something in mind your nutrients are only as good as the chef. I messed up plenty of good nutrients not combing them in correct ratios for my plants stage.


I’ve put 0.5ml of grow micro and bloom per litre . And 0.25ml per litre of liquid silicone for now . Will double it over the next couple of weeks and then run them at 1ml per litre and then add in some big bud , bud candy and sensizym . What do you usually use for autos?


Well-Known Member
I have tried different stuff every grow. I’m trying to stay organic so I’m still playing with stuff. Some of these guys use those nutrients so they will be more helpful


So quick update here . It’s been 16 days since seeds sprouted . I started with nutes at half dose on day 7 . 2nd feed was 4 days later with full strength nutes . 3rd feed was today at full strength nutes again . So far so good . Plants have grown quite a bit since I first posted and seem to look pretty healthy atm . Hope this post helps other people in the future



Well-Known Member
Nice side by side demonstration that yes indeed, introduction of low ppm nutrients is helpful. Many know that already, and this can show others.