Help - Seedlings

When should I give my seedlings light? I have a full spectrum fluorescent light for them but i dont know when I should expose the seedlings to the light.


germ them till they crack, then put under lights for 18-24hr a day... when they get about 5-6 nodes, pinch right above the 2nd node... and leave it alone for some time. You can clone the cutting because its going to be sizable. you should get 4 main cola's this way. let them veg till they are half the size you want them to be.... then switch to a 12-12 lighting... they should double in size after you start the flowering process... germing a seed should not take long at all... there are several videos out there to show you with pics.


Well-Known Member
When should I give my seedlings light? I have a full spectrum fluorescent light for them but i dont know when I should expose the seedlings to the light.
Ok to answer your question can put the seedlings under light as soon as they "break" ground. It's the big HPS and MH bulbs you don't wanna use right away...cause they will usually cook em that young!


Active Member
Ok to answer your question can put the seedlings under light as soon as they "break" ground. It's the big HPS and MH bulbs you don't wanna use right away...cause they will usually cook em that young!
Yeah, plants tend to like light.
