Help seeds on my plant


Well-Known Member
Hi guys im just waiting on one of my plants to finnish and i just noticed there are seeds coming out of this. How could this have happened, i didnt have any male in the closet. The only thing i can think of is a month before there was a male but he was taken out when i first seen the balls on him. He wasnt in at the same time as the plant with the seeds so how did this happen and will the rest of the plants i have put into my flowering closet have seeds.
Does male pollen stay in the air for long periods.
Also will the seeds affect the quality of my weed.


Well-Known Member
could be a hermie, have you checked all the budsites for male buds?

other than that i dont know.


Well-Known Member
I just noticed i have little banana shaped things coming out of the buds and i look them up and they are male flowers that come late in flowering from stress or too mature. These are a pain in my nuts. Will these pollenate my other plants.


Active Member
I just noticed i have little banana shaped things coming out of the buds and i look them up and they are male flowers that come late in flowering from stress or too mature. These are a pain in my nuts. Will these pollenate my other plants.
Yes I believe they will

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
I just noticed i have little banana shaped things coming out of the buds and i look them up and they are male flowers that come late in flowering from stress or too mature. These are a pain in my nuts. Will these pollenate my other plants.
so wait how far along in flowering are you?


well dude if you have seeds you cant stop that all you can do is damage controll remove any bannanas with tweazers but also you should feel a little lucky cause now you have seeds to grow that are from your own strains.... if they were shop bought seeds than you will have chronic females because hermies create feminized seeds.... but just make sure to be diligent about checking for male bananas if you want no seeds or lowest amount of seeds....


Well-Known Member
well dude if you have seeds you cant stop that all you can do is damage controll remove any bannanas with tweazers but also you should feel a little lucky cause now you have seeds to grow that are from your own strains.... if they were shop bought seeds than you will have chronic females because hermies create feminized seeds.... but just make sure to be diligent about checking for male bananas if you want no seeds or lowest amount of seeds....

you cant breed from a hermie, most of what you said is a lie.....

#1. feminised seeds are created with colodial silver...... not hermie plants.

#2 the seeds he has will not sprout unless he polinates plants of another genetic strain they will be sterile seeds.

checking for more males and pulling the nuts off, this is good.........


Well-Known Member
so wait how far along in flowering are you?
I was just in the last week i noticed these bananas a while back just didnt cop what they were. I only new it was a hermie when i seen the seeds. There dosnt seem to be too much seed in her though. I just chopped it down it had only 2 days left in the flush cycle.
I took it out because i have another female that is only 3 wks into flower. Im seriously pissed now because it probaly pollenated her too. If i put another plant in the same closet to flower will the pollen be still there to pollenate the next plant or will it be ok.