HELP setting up this stealth grow outta these two big cabinets

the12 - 1.jpg so theres the two cabinets they are 3 ft hight 3ft wide and 20in deep pluss in trying to figure a way to rig the doors to swing open any ideas on that would b great too but i need some suggestions on wut i can to to build this and max my yield i wanna b able to grow some nice herbs


Active Member
You basically take off the drawer faces, stick them together and install hinges and voila.

check out my grow, I'v done just that ^^


Active Member
Not a big issue man, 66F so far with one 30Watter, and without any venting ^^ (I keep my window open for cool air to come in, it's winter here), I'm gona mount 105 Watts of CFLs very soon and get the needed ventilation, I don't think it's gona get any higher than 80F, plus that's diamond diffusion Mylar there, to prevent any heat spots forming :)
Gun runner how did u get the pegs in there like that and do u think it would work on those metal drawers and wuts viola and I have a 450 hps dunno if imma need a cool tube and atleast the 70cfm vent any other tip or help b great and gunrunner if u can get back to me on the door that would b great I'm gonna post more pics of the drawer tonight and yes I'm on a budget around 1300 a cab but I also have an electrician wiring everything to ensure I do run up my e bill wut do u guys think I could grow a Bice yield in there


Active Member
For the pegs, I drilled holes with a drill bit, and then applied carpenter's glue.

Hmmm, didn't notice from the pic you were talking about a metal idea how to do it on those unless you weld them together honestly, or dill them and use bolts, but that's way too industrial for my taste :P

Voila, is french for "and here you go!"

For a 450 definitely will need a cooltube...and even with a cooltube it might not be enough.