Help-> setup grow in a sea container


Active Member
I have a 20'x8'x8' sea container that i want to turn into a grow room 8'x8'x12. .will be useing 2-1000w cool tubes. I have all the equipment that i need , but not sure of a lay-out tube 2x1000w ,ac, fans, exaust and intake fans , cool tube fan, pumps,filter,ebb-flow type of system w/50gal res.12-buckets,All of the equipment is 120v ....what electrical amperage will be needed???? should i bring in 220v then break it down to 120v???? 2-3-4 breakers??? 10-15-20 amp??? Any and all help will be most helpfull...Thanks for your time and expertisekiss-assAnd many green days to all


Well-Known Member
where is this container? my first worry would be exhausting the hot air, would like mighty suspicious hearing or seeing air coming out of a storage container.



Active Member
I do live in a friendly state , I also live in a rural area of 20ac ranchettes, nearest house is almost 1 mile away. Thanks for your concern, But what i really need is some help with lay-out. The container has been insulated allready with spray on insulation R-8. but I do get 100* degree days= A.C. Please help a first timer with my indoor grow. Thanks Again for your time..


New Member
Well, you are wrong about more work. Outdoor growing is a BREEZE compared to indoor.

Bugs? I've never had a problem, but okay i guess.

Animals? Ditto again on that one. Just don't use blood meal on top.

people? Heh, we're back to container exposure. It will only DRAW attention.

But hey, I'm not here to talk you out of it...just being objective. A cop is going to focus on any sealand container first....they stick out like a sore thumb.

My idea on those containers is to buy two and bury one under the other and cut a hatch.


New Member
Quicker turn around of harvest.. Stable environment, perpetual harvest...

I would say install one of those turn vents you see on wharehouses.. thatll really help exhaust the hot air for cheap. If you can pu in a window air con and have its ass hang out in the breeze outsize, you would be doing great. I would have your fans pulling the fresh air from oustide thru the tubes thru the fan and outside. Remember the less turns the better. Use the aluminum ducting before the tubes, insulated after the 1st tube and to the fan and exit. As soon as the air is heated, you want the ducting insulated outherwise the ducting becomes a big radiator.. Fresh air>alum ducting>cool tube>insulated ducting>cooltube>insulated ducting> Fan >Exhaust outside...


New Member
can you add a 30 amp circut and just bring in a 30 amp 120v? That should be overkill for what you want to do, 2200 watts for lights (2050ish if you have electronic ballasts) Aircon 1000watts, pumps and other shiz 500w so your looking 3700 ish watts so a 30 amp should be overkill. Anyone wanna do the math, heheheh?


New Member
Oh and I think you need to run some bigger than normal wire for the 30 amp and a ton of outlets is a must..


Well-Known Member
I think you really need to think about the power issue. I would run a sub panel out there, 125 amp. And if you don't have any elec experiance, I would hire a professional. Just say your using it as a shed. Believe or not, I know people who have used them just for sheds. Follow every thing that Olosto said about exhaust. One very large ac unit should cool it down ok. But I would run your lights at night to help on heat. But then, 2 1000 would put off a large heat signature. And the building will be considered an "out building". That means the cops would not need a warrent to fly over or drive past the structure at night with a thermal. But then again, that depends on your area and how your local law inforcement is equipped. And as always, if the cops are scanning your place, its just a matter of time. Do cops even do just random fly overs? Just something to think about.

The only advice I can give you on everything else is just to read over the forum. I spent almost 2 years on here before I started my grow. You just have to find a setup close to what yours will be. My setup changed 3 times before it was done. Good luck.


New Member
ya get a 40amp breaker, or two 30amps going on. 10a per kw is a good overshot to make sure you aren't frying anything.
are you setting up climate controllers and timers?
layout if you are doing buckets w/ an 8x12 floor space (right?) that is 96sq ft. If you do SOG w/ a mother in a small tent you could probably turn the best yield.
You could insulate and make it reflective using fiberglass/plywood/mylar or you could just pick up some reflectix insulation stuff, its like diamond shaped shiny insulating material.


New Member
I would also build up the sides with earth. This will help keep the temps down dramatically as well as provide some cover.


Active Member
Thanks EVERYONE , please keep it up i will keep everything in mind . Please send All suggestions . Around my area there are several sea containers on property for ??????? May-be there going GREEN...LOL...That would be sweet.....Thanks again EVERYONE


Well-Known Member
Also, how well is it insulated? What R value? That metal box will soak up the suns heat. You might want to paint it white, that should help. Plus you said you sprayed the inside already with icynene insulation. You should realy consider covering it up with something. Maybe plywood. Is it too late to frame the inside with 2x2's yet? Easier to run your electrical. Also, do you have a water supply close by? I can tell you from experience that the water issue will become an issue.