Help, severe drooping?


All my plants droop like this sometimes, I've seen things to do with too much water or too little, but just wanted opinions? It's a Dwc recirculating set up with 3 part flora and some root exelerant, roots are all white and healthy.. No stumped growth and this is 30 days In from seed. 3 northern light / 3 cali kush. Could it be not enough root space? Any answeres would be appreciated many thanks


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Yeah I do struggle with humidity.. it's around about 50 to 60% at nights and around 40 when lights on.. I've got lots of water trays around the room.. to improve and the occasional canopy spray. The water was at 7.8 ph and was at the end of the weeks resovoir, it's just been changed and back to a ph of 5.5, I've slowed my water feed down to see if it improves.. also these were taken on the last half hour of their day. Occasionally I get droop towards the end of the day but this is excessive.. any ideas ?
And this is smallest it wouldn't let me upload both at same time.. maybe this could have a clue lol


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I started my resovoir at 7.0 ph, I know this was out of range but I wanted to try keep away from ph buffers as never had any problems before with it. And up untill now I've had no problems with it at That, I know it wasn't right but it was working extremely well and didn't effect any growth, I mean these are like a foot tall now and only 30 days from seed yesterday.. so I'm thinking it could be something else, although I've just done this resovoir change with the buffers and got it bang on 5.5 from now, and see if there is any improvement .. But if this isn't the problem what possibilities are there? They look really unhappy :/
I use a 45 litre container but about 40 ltr of water in it, and I use half the recommended amout, so say, your recommended to use 1.5ml per ltr I'd times that by 20, half my recommended lot lol if that makes sense as a stoner I have no relatively easy way of explaining things... although I try.. lmao
But I'm using flora 3 part, a few drops of root accelerator and just stsrted with a few drops of a kelp product named thrive :)
I just times these by 20, although last week I was a bit more stinjy with it , as I've suffered nutri burn before. Lol


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And you need to use the micro too, just grow and bloom aren't gonna provide enough micro nutrients and calcium is a big part of the micro as well.
I would keep the ph a little closer in range and keep using half strength on the nutes or just use Lucas Formula. The leaf curl is pretty minor at this point.