Help Sexing Plant


New Member
Hello all,

This is my first grow, and I think my plant has shown its sex but its hard to tell. I also am wondering if it is too early to tell the sex of the plant. Below are some pics, any help is greatly appreciated.

IMAG0145[1].jpg IMAG0145[1].jpg IMAG0147[1].jpg IMAG0144[1].jpg IMAG0142[1].jpg


New Member
Sorry for the bad pictures but I really need help. The Stipules are growing straight up and its hard to tell if its a pollen sack or a calyx. Any help is greatelty appreciated. Also is it too early to tell sex?


Well-Known Member
Can't really tell with those pictures :???:
But it will become more obvious over the coming days....


Well-Known Member
No telling yet, just wait til you see the white pistil or the spade shaped balls. It's not that hard to really tell.


Well-Known Member
You'll have a definate answer before a male can cause any trouble don't worry just keep watching ....hard to tell from your pics give it time GL