Help! Short and bushy sativa hybrid?


New Member
Hi all.
I wonder if its the strain, my close lighting or what it is, but I have a very short and very bushy/leafy plant and the other ones I germed 2½ weeks later are looking similar.
They are Honey B and Laughing Buddha from Barneys and the pictures i've seen of them dont look anything like these. I am planning on doing a scrog with them and I wonder if they are ever going to stretch enough. I dont know if you can see it in the pictures but there are new shoots all over the place underneath the large leaves. I have removed some of the bottom ones to avoid to much density, but I wonder if I should prune or wait for it to stretch and the train them.
This is my setup:
Grow cab size (covered in mylar from top to bottom, air tight and isolated with 0,4 inch styrofoam)
5 ft height (1,5 foot is used for tech room + propagation room)
1,5 ft depth
3,2 ft in lenght

400 watt MH with cooltube
2 40 watt cfls 6700k (hanging in each ends)
2 240v fans for inlet in bottom of cabinet
1 110 cfm extractor fan with carbon filter
2 diy dwc rubber maids with 3 pots each
4 air stones + Eheim 400 air pump
2 25 watt aquarium water heaters



New Member
Based on all the valuable input I have recieved since yesterday, I've decided to try to train them instead of pruning them, as far as I could read these should do a big stretch when I flower them. Some argue that low and bushy vegging helps on the yields later and the strains here stretch 200-250 % when switching the lighting. Guess I should read more and post less :P


Well-Known Member
That doesn't look like a sativa dominant plant to me. Maybe the seeds got mixed up? Yes, you can expect the plant to double in size from the time you switch to bloom.

Are the roots getting enough oxygen? They look "overwatered", which actually means under-aerated in a hydroponic setup. Make sure those roots are nice n' healthy; you really can't supply them too much oxygen. I'm not a hydroponic grower, so not familiar with that air pump you mentioned... Just know a thing or two about plants :).


New Member
You know, I think you are right about the aeration, I had accidentally turn off the air pump for a good 6-7 hours a couple of days ago. That may be just it, today they are less droopy :D
It is still quite bushy and the leaves are quite thick for a sativa as you point out. I am quite sure they are Honey B and Laughing Buddha though as I opened the packing myself and germed 'em and they are supposed to be sativa dom. You think I have the lights too close to the plants, I have them quite close because of the cooltube.


Well-Known Member
As long as the temps are good at canopy level, keep those lights close. When I was using a 400 watt, I kept it about 10-12 inches from the canopy (with a vented hood).

Might be worth peeking at your roots to make sure nothing funky started growing while the aerator was off. You said they're perking up, so that's a good indication that your roots are probably fine.


Well-Known Member
As for the bushiness, it is what it is. Everyone makes mistakes; it's possible the dude packing your seeds was a little too "medicated". In this industry, anything' possible.

Just grow those babies out and see what you get!

If you WANT them to stretch out a little for a scrogging purposes, switch out your MH for the HPS. That should do the trick.


New Member
I have checked the roots regularily and they are nice and white, no goey stuff or brown areas at all. PH levels are also nice and stable and the ppms are at about 1000. Wonder what strain i've gotten, I was hoping for a cerebral sativa high :)


Well-Known Member
I feel ya... I prefer the cerebral sativa buzz 90% of the time. It's still possible they are "sativa dom". Some sativas just grow short (like AK-47). Only one way to find out!