HELP!Should I Top My girls again?


Active Member
I have 3 super duper lemon haze girls that are about a month and a half old. I topped them around the 5th node, about a month ago. Wow did they ever respond great. They look amazing and are about 2.5ft tall by 2ft around, should i top them a second time? where to cut? my 4ft florescent lights cannot penetrate to the bottom half. they are very healthy and have 1 month to go till they go outside. please help ,,,ty


Well-Known Member
If it was me, I would not top the plants again and expect similar results. You can try super cropping or a FIM cut to encourage more flowering sites. That is what i would do if it were my grow.


Active Member
will it not grow just as hardly as the first topping? and what is supper cropping? i know the basics and a little more that is it


Well-Known Member
Of course you can. What Serapis suggested, the FIM, is just a fancy term for topping.

Going outside? Myself, I would cut/top/fim, all the growing tips and get everything really bushing out. I would also be looking to up can for all this new growth.
